Federal Customs Service


After the arrest of Dmitry Mihalchenko, his holding company is experiencing troubles


The portfolio of state contracts of Baltstroya has shrinked, and the turnover of the Bronk port is lower than planned.   

Change of elites: what is behind the massive reshuffle in the power


After a large-scale reshuffle, senior positions have been occupied by new politicians who came from the security forces. According to RBC sources, this is the first stage of the renovation of the power team by 2018. RBC investigates, what are the Kremlin's reasons behind these changes. 

Key assets of Belianinov's wife and daughter are associated with real estate and medicine


Vedomosti found out what business do the close relatives of the head of the Federal Customs Service.

The investigators have found kickbacks in the Federal Customs Service


The department employees are suspected of fraud resulting in the state having overpaid 140 million rubles for scam software.