Moscow business reached US

The Basmanny court arrested in absentia the lawyer Andrey Stolbunov who was seeking politycal asylum. 
Basmanny Court sanctioned the arrest in absentia prominent lawyer and human rights activist Andrei Stolbunova. Who is now in US activist social organization "Justice" investigators accused of extorting tens of millions of dollars from the former Transport Minister Peter Katsyv Moscow Region and a number of businessmen. Two years ago, the case had already been convicted colleague Andrew Stolbunova - Deputy General Director of one of the largest Russian defense enterprises RATEP Dmitry Baranovsky.

The decision on arrest in absentia Andrey Stolbunova Basmanny Court of Moscow ruled on the application of Raman investigators. As reported by "Kommersant" lawyer Stalin Gurevich, she strongly objected to such a preventive measure, but the judge accepted the prosecution.

"Andrei Borisovich no one is hiding, is in correspondence with the investigation, known for its address", - explained the lawyer. According to her, he went to the USA in September last year for the provision of legal aid under the previous agreement. Stalin Gurevich has appealed the decision of the Basmanny Court. She explained that the samo decision to prosecute her client as an accused appeared in mid-September. And a few days later the police announced it is first to the federal and then the international wanted list, which appealed protection. Stalin Gurevich trains and appeal to Interpol with a demand to cancel the search, as her client is being persecuted for political reasons.

Charge Andrew Stolbunova connected with the events of six years ago. Then, as told "Kommersant", the Bar Association has been prosecuted for human rights activities in the public organization "Justice" - deputy general director and activist RATEP "Combat Brotherhood" Dmytro Baranovsky. The latter was arrested in 2009, and in 2012 the court sentenced him to 12 years in a penal colony for "extortion" (Art. 3 of Art. 163 of the Criminal Code) $ 22.5 million the then Minister of Transport Peter Katsyv Moscow region government, his son Dennis Katsyv lawyer Natalia Veselnitskoy, Sberbank management of former Director of operations at the stock market, now a businessman Alexander Altunina and heads comAANII "Infiko" Vladimir Kasatkin. The court decided that Dmytro Baranovsky threatened victims publication of compromising materials about their alleged cases of corruption. In July last year, he heard another sentence - for "attempted fraud" (Part 3 of Article 33, Part 3 of Article 30, Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code......) And the "organization of falsification of evidence" (Part 3. Art. 33, ch. 1, Art. 303 of the Criminal Code) in order to capture a piece of land in the Krasnogorsk district of Moscow region an area of ​​over 10 hectares and a market value of almost 570 million rubles. On set of crimes committed overall sentence Dmitry Baranovsky was 17.5 years. However, the lawyers managed to reduce it to 8.5 years.

During the investigation and court case by Dmitry Baranovsky claims investigators to Andrew Stolbunova arose. "The emergence of the charges, word for word repeating accusations Baranovsky, my client connects publications on alleged cases of corruption of former officials of the Moscow region administration," - said "Kommersant" Stalin Gurevich. According to her, Andrei Stolbunov simply asked law enforcement officers to check andformation.

Meantime, Andrei Stolbunov, recently asked the United States for political asylum, and linked his prosecution to the investigation of the so-called Magnitsky case of money laundering, which is conducted in the United States. One of the accused, as reported by "Kommersant", is a victim of the case-Baranovsky Stolbunova Katsyv Denis and his company Prevezon.

"Katsyv and company fear of my participation as a witness in New York - in court in Prevezon. For them, it is important to me to be in the status of the accused and wanted ", - said Andrei Stolbunov.