Trust Bank assets were wasted on loans

The activities of the former bank's top managers will be assessed by the Basmanny Court of Moscow.
The Moscow prosecutor's office in the capital's Basmanny court case materials the ex-managers of the bank "Trust". Former chairman of the board of the credit institution Oleg Dikusar and CFO Eugene Romak accused of complicity in the withdrawal of the bank's assets under the pretext of lending and transfer of liquid securities of "Trust" in the controlled company. According to the calculations of the investigation, the defendants in the actions of the bank was damaged in the amount of 14.6 billion rubles. Meanwhile, property owners, "Trust", and their wives, the total cost of $ 830 million is under arrest by the decision of the High Court in London.

Investigation into the asset stripping "Trust" began after the bank "Opening" in 2014 started his rehabilitation, for which 127 billion rubles were allocated from the budget. As noted by the Central Bank, in the activities of "Trust" were found signs of withdrawal of assets, for which the bank used the scheme lending borrowers "not leading real economic activity, as well as the financing of investment projects, not bringing income." CBR deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov, while aboutenyl size hole in the balance of "Trust" in 114 billion rubles., with half of that amount accounted for nonperforming loans that were issued to structures close to the bank's owners. As a result, 23 April 2015 the main Investigation Department of the MOI of Russia in Moscow at the request of the Central Bank initiated a criminal case against the former leadership of "Trust". After some time, began the detention and arrest of the former credit institution's top managers. The first in May, the Tver Court of Moscow was arrested Oleg Dikusar, first head of the treasury of the bank, and then and has become. about. chairman of the board. Later, a court decision was taken into custody a former chief financial officer of the bank Eugene Romak. Actions both arrested consequently qualified as "fraud on a large scale" (para. 4, Art. 159 of the Criminal Code).

According to investigation, the arrested top managers participated in the conspiracy, which was aimed at stealing "by deception and abuse of trust funds, the bank attracted from individuals and legal entities." To this end, according to the materials rassledovations, in the period from 2012 to 2014 they were approved and signed bogus credit agreements and loan agreements by which customers money withdrawn from the bank under the control of the leadership of "Trust" Cyprus offshore company. Also, according to the investigation, Oleg Dikusar in the interests of the bank's owners made the alienation of Eurobonds, on the balance of the credit institution in the amount of 4.6 billion rubles. According to preliminary estimates of the investigation, so the bank is not less than 14.6 billion rubles were withdrawn., Who with the help of top managers and Dikusar Romakova they were transferred to the accounts of individuals and companies controlled by the leadership of "Trust", and then abducted. As a result of the criminal scheme the bank does not receive income, which is why the crisis hit the financial situation.

The victims in favor of the Deposit Insurance Agency, which is at the expense of budget funds was forced to pay a debt to depositors of the bank. As noted at the same time the Central Bank, "the bank's shareholders did not wish in any way in the future to participate in the life and activities of the bank."

Rossian law enforcement in the investigation of trying to extradite from Britain owners of "Trust" - the former chairman of the board of directors Ilya Yurov, board members Nikolai Fetisov and Sergey Belyaev. However, in their extradition the British side of the RF Prosecutor General's Office refused. Meanwhile, the High Court in London in February this year at the suit of the sanatorium "Trust" - the bank "Opening" - the arrested assets of the former owners and their wives to the $ 830 million It is about Swiss bank accounts and a mansion in Kent.. Moreover, in its decision to the London court largely agreed with the findings of a Russian investigation, and with the assessment of CB operations management of a credit institution. In particular, from the judgment implied that after the 2008 crisis, many loans that were issued to companies, close to the owners of "Trust", ceased to be served, and the borrowers themselves, "crashed". At the same time the owners of the bank, to mask the reality of the situation, gave out loans to other offshore companies, which went to paying interest on overdue loans. As the court found, thats circular transactions are fraudulent. "It was a pyramid c extravagant name", - concluded the judge. As a result, the bank's balance sheet were numerous offshore debts of more than $ 800 million, for which the software was missing or was insufficient. The judge Steven Meyls noted, for example, that the salary of Ilya Yurov was $ 12.5 million in the bank in the year. The trial continues in London.

"The Bank continues to work on identifying the involvement of the former management of the bank" Trust "to the violations that led to the appointment in the bank temporary administration" - said yesterday the press service of "Trust".