Komarov Andrey


Pumpyansky and Rotenberg blow in one trumpet


Billionaire Dmitry Pumpyansky, with the alleged support of Arkady Rotenberg, was able to win over the owner of ChTPZ Andrey Komarov, who had already managed to agree with Nikolai Egorov.

Andrey Komarov blew into the pipe


The sale of the pipe assets of the ChTPZ Group of Andrey Komarov to the Zagorsk Pipe Plant (ZTZ) has entered the final stage.

Andrei Komarov is trying to plug financial holes with bonds


The business of the owner of ChelPipe may come full pipe.

Sergey Maslov put Denis Manturov in the saddle


The former person involved in the criminal case will build an equestrian center and a golf club in Gelendzhik.

Victor Rashnikov voluntarily and compulsorily invested in high-speed projections


Following Andrei Komarov from ChTPZ Group and Igor Altushkin from the Russian Copper Company, it was the turn of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant to donate money to the charter capital of the Urals Highway Partnership. The project foresees the construction of a high-speed road Chelyabinsk-Yekaterinburg for 366 billion rubles by 2025.

"Gazprom" left without orders pipe plants


For two years, the demand for large diameter pipes collapsed more than twice.

The abuser of the "pipe" oligarch Andrei Komarov was sent to prison for 4.5 years


A former employee of the GUEBC and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Astafurov, was sentenced for "falsifying" evidence of commercial bribery from the owner of the ChTPZ Group Andrei Komarov.

Gazprom seeks discounts from pipe manufacturers


Gazprom "bent" suppliers of large diameter pipes for a 20% discount. Due to what now the main owner of the Pipe Metallurgical Company Dmitry Pumpyansky will finish building his 100-meter yacht Project Blade?

Gazprom stopped buying pipes


Gazprom stopped buying pipes for Nord Stream-2: a year and a half after their order, they seemed expensive to the gas monopoly.

The owner of the ChTPZ Group Andrei Komarov started playing politics


After quitting the arrest, the oligarch hid and transported his family to the United States. According to experts, he can silently sponsor oppositionist Alexei Navalny.

Stagnation of pipe manufacturers: the crisis and the reduction of the construction changed the industry significantly


The long wave of investment has not been replaced by a sustainable payback wave.

A new fraud case is prepared against ChTPZ shareholder Andrey Komarov


The co-owner of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant is suspected of involvement in the scam to compensate 1.8 billion from the budget for the mobilization capacities.