A new fraud case is prepared against ChTPZ shareholder Andrey Komarov

The co-owner of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant is suspected of involvement in the scam to compensate 1.8 billion from the budget for the mobilization capacities.
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The main shareholder of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ), the Forbes billionaire list, Andrey Komarov, the accused along with lawyer Vladimir Shibanov in commercial bribery in the $ 300 thousand., May become a defendant in the new criminal case of fraud. According to "Izvestia", General Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) MIA suspected businessman and some other top managers ChTPZ involvement in the scam 1.8 billion related to the reimbursement from the state budget for the maintenance costs of mobilization capacities. According to operative data, ChTPZ leadership is suspected of that illegally included in the list of commercial property "Height 239" and on that basis received compensation from the budget.

The circumstances of the new test are directly connected with the case of commercial bribery, which the persons involved are now Andrey Komarov and a member of the board of directors of ChTPZ Committee Vladimir Shibanov. According to investigators, they tried for $ 300 thousand. Bribe auditors profile FSUE "Promresurs", conducted in late 2013 a comprehensive exit ProveCGS on the company in the sphere of mobilization training, so that they destroyed the mobilization plan for 2011 and results of the audit have softened.

According to the auditors, ChTPZ illegally obtained from the state budget of about 1.8 billion rubles, including in the mobilization capacities launched in July 2010. The plant for the production of large diameter pipes under the name "Height 239".

Now, investigators Interior Ministry and the Federal Tax Service inspectors suspect that this scam has been implicated himself Komarov, as well as some other ChTPZ top managers.

- Employees of the Ministry of Interior in cooperation with colleagues from the Federal Tax Service is now operational activities carried out, the results of which against Komarov and others may be new criminal case of fraud, - said "News" sources in the Interior Ministry.

In addition, under suspicion of tax investigators and were employees of JSC "Transomkonsalt" ChTPZ providing audit services. According to some employees of the company for the rollback Komarov proposed a scheme that allows to earn money for compensation on mobilization targets.

Representatives of "Transomkonsalta" failed to promptly comment on the "News" situation surrounding MIA suspicion.

Defenders of the main shareholder ChTPZ Andrey Komarov have so far refrained from comment.

- Unfortunately, we can not answer your questions, because there are limited subscription secrecy of the investigation - said "Izvestia" lawyer Rustam Kurmaev Komarova.

Mobilization preparation - a complex of measures directed to the translated Armed Forces and gosinfrastruktury on a war footing. It is performed on a specific plan approved by the government. In peace time mobilization capacities can be used in part, in full (but not in primary production) or preserved. However, the facilities and equipment must be kept in readiness in the event of war: it allocated money from the budget of the company, but until 2013 the businessmen had the opportunity to claim compensation from the budget of 20% of the costs for the maintenance of facilities. In 2010, ChTPZ on this ground back from the treasury of about 10 billion rubles. & Nbsp;

Sources of "News" in the police said that in 2011, when the steel industry was in crisis, some enterprises have decided to reduce their costs and earn compensation payments. This idea prompted them to audit companies.

- Auditors offered to rig the results of tax audits in order to obtain compensation, - told "Izvestia" a source in the Interior Ministry.

Since the beginning of 2012 in the Federal Tax Service began to arrive en masse updated declaration for the period 2007-2010 for the payment of "mobilization of benefits "under the pretext of not having to do with mobilization capacity costs for the repair shops, equipment installation, construction works. Enterprises require annual payments from the treasury of 750 million to 9.3 billion rubles, so it was decided to conduct additional checks on -site.

The auditors checked 65 metallurgical enterprises, including ChTPZ, Nizhny Tagil and Magnitogorsk metallurgical combines. According to their results the inspectors found that many sites do not have to mobilization preparation irrelevant. According to security officials estimated Russia annually loses about 15 billion rubles of the enterprises involved in the mobilization training program.

- After the inspections and identified violations in the enterprises understand that they will have to pay damages. Many mills began to destroy the evidence. On CHPTZ do so did not have time - the matter was brought to the owner - told "Izvestia" a source in the Interior Ministry. - But many owners, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, return the money in the budget.