Andrei Komarov is trying to plug financial holes with bonds

The business of the owner of ChelPipe may come full pipe.
No matter how much Komarov boasts about the successes of the Chelyabinsk tube rolling plant, the financial condition of the enterprise raises questions. On the one hand, revenue of 72.6 billion rubles and profit of 2.1 billion rubles, on the other hand, net debt of 68.4 billion rubles. Panic "sale" of Eurobonds speaks of the imminent bankruptcy of Andrei Komarov? The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.

The strategic dreams of Boris Kovalenkov, General Director of ChelPipe Group, about developing e-commerce channels, increasing export supplies, increasing production and position in the competitive market, cause a smirk. One would like to know: "And at whose expense?"

In April 2019, ChelPipe and the Moscow Credit Bank entered into an agreement for 4 billion rubles for 3 years, Izvestia wrote about this. Apparently, to expand production. Komarov was not embarrassed by past debts?

Or a businessman borrowed from the IBC to pay off the rest of the creditors? Only exactly the same story happened a year ago, when Komarov attracted a VTB loan of 15 billion rubles to refinance a previous debt ... In 2018, the company was supposed to reduce the credit load by 6.9 billion rubles from 73.1 billion rubles. Apparently, something went wrong, because at the end of 2018, the debt was 68.4 billion rubles, and not 66.2 billion rubles. Where are 2.2 billion “lost”?

And Komarov has been trying to get away from the immense debts for a long time. Back in 2016, according to Kommersant’s information, the ChTPZ group agreed with banks on restructuring a syndicated loan that was issued for ... restructuring in 2012. Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Alfa Bank, Raiffeisenbank and seven other organizations will not wait for their money?

At the time of 2016, debt increased to 82 billion rubles, and the maturity date is autumn 2019. Maybe that's why Komarov put up for sale eurobonds? Debt is not particularly reduced. Yes, and if you look at official revenues - until the full redemption is still "restructure" and "restructure" ...

And now take a look at the list of ChTPZ customers. In the first place is a rich and generous contractor, Gazprom Komplektatsiya LLC - a portfolio of contracts worth 77 billion rubles! Only Gazprom would more than cover the debts of Andrei Komarov. And besides a rich customer, another 102 organizations are on the list ...

Apparently, the financial problem is "buried" elsewhere. Maybe in the list of founders? Assets are managed by Arkley Capital S.a.r.l. from Luxembourg, and earlier Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant owned Mountrise Limited, in which 90% belong to Andrei Komarov, and 10% to his business partner Alexander Fedorov, The Moscow Post wrote about this. Could money from rich contracts in offshore not be "lost"?
At the same time, Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant is a "prolific" company. But not all "daughters" are successful. For example, Eterno LLC ended 2017 with a profit of minus 322 million rubles, ChTPZ-Service LLC with a profit of 1 thousand rubles with a revenue of 31 million rubles ... Meta LLC - minus 6.2 million rubles, PO Alnas - minus 551 million rubles.

But Andrei Komarov has problems not only with finances, but also with the law. The high-profile case in March 2014 clearly made the businessman nervous. According to RIA Novosti, the merchant and his partner, Alexander Shibanov, were suspected of giving a bribe to an employee of FSUE Promresurs, which is included in the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the amount of 300 thousand dollars.

The audit found significant irregularities in work and suspected Komarov of monetary fraud. Allegedly, one of the ChTPZ workshops was without reason included in the list of mobilization capacities, as a result of which the businessman could receive 1.8 billion rubles from the budget.

From 2014 to 2015, Andrei Komarov was under house arrest. In 2016, the case was closed and the businessman acquitted. Moreover, two years later, the main “accusers”, former employee of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergey Astafurov and General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Promresurs” Vladimir Spiridonov, were not in the best places ... The first was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months for abuse of authority, and the second - for assistance. Has the businessman avenged home gatherings under arrest?

And violations of the ChTPZ were noticed not only by Vladimir Spiridonov. In 2018, according to Pravda Urfo, poor-quality materials with fake certificates sent by Komarov’s company threatened the construction of the port in Murmansk.

Allegedly, 180 tons of ChPTZ pipes totaling more than 11 million rubles were sent to Ufa under false certificates. How does Andrei Komarov manage to maneuver between scandals?

Rumor has it that Komarov stares at the open spaces of the United States, it seems that the family of a businessman and abroad. Moreover, ChelPipe is going to open a branch for the production of seamless pipes in the United States. I wonder where the money will come from.

No matter how much Komarov is not “brave”, things at his ChelPipe are not going smoothly. Take loans to cover old debts, own a company through offshore companies, "get caught" on falsification of documents and possible withdrawal of funds ... Bankruptcy is close? Or maybe a new criminal case?