Donald Trump


Panama is followed by Bermuda


A major leakage of documents from the offshore register company Appleby.

Sechin's expansion: why Trump wants to prevent Rosneft from gaining control over Citgo


Washington is preparing for the possible Rosneft's control over the Venezuelan Citgo, which processes 5% of all US crude oil.

New US sanctions can be disastrous for Russian energy companies


The industry is afraid of damage to investment projects worth billions of dollars.

Associated Press asked the Washington court to dismiss Oleg Deripaska's lawsuit


The agency claims that it can confirm its correctness by the records of negotiations and data of bank accounts.

ExxonMobil won't help Rosneft


The US administration has recalled that sanctions against Rosneft should be applied to all US companies.

On all frontlines


What legacy the Russian Defense Ministry will have in 2017.

Venture hangover: lessons of 2016 for start-ups and their investors


The situation on the venture capital market reminds of the dotcom crisis.

Donald Trump wins the election in the United States


NYT: probability of Trump's winning the elections has exceeded 95%. More than 270 electors voted for Donald Trump.

The FBI is looking for the Russian roots of WikiLeaks


The Democratic Party of the United States again accuses Moscow of supporting Donald Trump.

Skyscraper candidate: how billionaire Donald Trump earned $10 billion


The odious businessman Donald Trump leads among the Republican candidates for the US president in the polls. It is not surprising, because working for the public helped him to earn a fortune of $10 billion