Oleg Tinkoff


Panama is followed by Bermuda


A major leakage of documents from the offshore register company Appleby.

Hipsters' mistake: what lessons one should learn from the story with Roketbank


Cardholders of Roketbank service will now have to withdraw their money out of troubled partner bank Interkommerts, which suspended operations. What should know the users of such services?

Bulletin board for $2.7 billion: how Avito came to success


In the fall of 2015, online free bulletin board Avito was estimated at $2.7 billion, which means that now it can challebge the Russian Internet giants: VKontakte, Yandex and Mail.Ru Group. RBC investigated how Avito had come to success.

"Bank for hipsters" which was estimated by Tinkoff at 1 ruble will be bought for $4.5 million


KhMV Otkrytiye Bank will be bought by online banking service Roketbank. The deal will be finished in the following days, and the bid price is about $4.5 million. Before that, Oleg Tinkoff was willing to buy the project, offering 1 ruble.  

Oleg Tinkoff's sport addictions cost TCS Bank tens of millions of euros


The analysts refuse to calculate the effectiveness of these expenses. 

How to take away a million from the bank


The eveness of banker Oleg Tinkoff was violated by the client who intends to sue the "TKS-Bank" for 24 million rubles.