Barack Obama


Venture hangover: lessons of 2016 for start-ups and their investors


The situation on the venture capital market reminds of the dotcom crisis.

Donald Trump wins the election in the United States


NYT: probability of Trump's winning the elections has exceeded 95%. More than 270 electors voted for Donald Trump.

Russia in Syria: top view


Results of the first month of the Russian military presence on the Syrian land and in the Syrian sky.

Why negotiations on a peaceful settlement in the Donbas stalled


The world wonders what Russia and its president want to achieve from neighboring Ukraine. Vedomosti collected the options that are discussed in Vladimir Putin's entourage.

Russia loses billions and the chances for modernization


Instead of the economic development the Russians have been given 15 minutes of happiness in front of the TV. At least, every day. 

Crimea residents will be left without American web services


US President Barack Obama issued an executive order prohibiting the US companies to supply goods and provide services in the Crimea. The IT-sphere is also under an embargo. 

17 US states demand to declare Barack Obama's immigration amnesty as illegal


Decree of President Obama's amnesty for illegal immigrants has caused strong resistance of his opponents.