The FBI is looking for the Russian roots of WikiLeaks

The Democratic Party of the United States again accuses Moscow of supporting Donald Trump.
The FBI and other US law enforcement agencies began investigating hacking the e-mail Democratic Party activists. This was told by John Podesta, head of the election headquarters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Mr. Podesta added intelligence suggest that Russia is behind hacking. Moscow is still called the accusations "absurd and unfounded."

"I contacted the FBI, and they confirmed the investigation hacking my post, - said John Podesta, a new piece of personal letters which on Wednesday was made available on the website WikiLeaks.- from law enforcement, I heard that hacking was done by Russian intelligence." According to Mr. Podesta, a letter from his mailbox by chance ended up in the network as soon as it was made public discrediting of Donald Trump's audio recording in 2005. The politician, recall, insulting comments about women and boasted: Star status allows it to rely on sexual intimacy with any of them without their consent. Scandal in scale exceeded all previous ones, and on the support of Donald Trump once refused Mr.many Republican heavyweights, including the Speaker of the lower house of parliament Paul Ryan.

Now, as sure, John Podesta, to the problems of Donald Trump be added proven communication managers of his campaign with the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange and Russian intelligence. "Roger Stone (Mr. Trampa.- Advisor" b ") showed the finger at me and said that I should wait for surprises - recalled John Podesta.- I think he had information that WikiLeaks is about to publish my e-mail hacked."

From WikiLeaks appearing online on October 7 elements correspondence of members of the electoral headquarters of Hillary Clinton voters learned ugly facts about the likely candidate for the US presidency. Thus, a significant difference was found between the public position of the former secretary of state and her real views, which, as she put it, the voter is not ready. In particular, we are talking about with regard to transnational corporations, which are in his public speeches, Mrs. Clinton unleashes criticism. It surfaced as a serious conflict within the Clean Fundtones, in which the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton Chelsea accused the head of the fund Dag Banda embezzlement.

In Moscow, the charges against Russia considered "absurd and groundless" - this Wednesday, said Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov. The president himself sure of Russia "caused hysteria in order to divert the attention of the American people from the fact that it was posted by hackers. And the essence - a manipulation of public opinion. Somehow, no one talks about it. Everyone is talking about who did it. Is it so important? "

Recall Hillary Clinton and US President Barack Obama has repeatedly accused the Russian special services in numerous hacking mailboxes of members of the Democratic Party apparatus - ostensibly in support of Donald Trump. Republican candidate himself takes a different view. "Nobody knows what it was for hacking - said on.- Maybe blame China. Perhaps no break-ins were not there. "

According to the program director of the Valdai Club, the head of the agency "Foreign Policy" Andrew Sushentsova probability Russianmeshatelstva in the electoral campaign in the United States is extremely low. "You can imagine that in the Russian Security Council decided to support the Donald Trump hacker attacks? I - no, - he said, "Kommersant" ekspert.- For this Trump must be a real recruited agent, and such data are not available. " According to Mr. Sushentsova, election of Donald Trump of Russia does not fundamentally better than the victory of Hillary Clinton. "It is absolutely unpredictable. Even if he won and took some new foreign policy with regard to Russia, there is no guarantee that it would be kept after him. But the restoration of US-Russian relations requires long serious efforts, "- said Mr. Sushentsov.