Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev
 (born 14 September 1965) is a Russian politician who is the current Prime Minister. From 2008 to 2012, Medvedev served as the third President of Russia.

Born to a family of academics, Medvedev graduated from the Leningrad State University Law Department in 1987. Medvedev defended his dissertation in 1990, and worked as a docent at his alma mater, now renamed the Saint Petersburg State University, where he taught Civil and Roman Law until 1999. Medvedev's political career began as the Election Campaign Manager, and later as an adviser of the St. Petersburg Mayor, Anatoly Sobchak. During this time, Medvedev befriended Vladimir Putin.

Regarded as more liberal than his predecessor, Medvedev's top agenda as President was a wide-ranging modernisation programme, aiming at modernising Russia's economy and society, and lessening the country's reliance on oil and gas. During Medvedev's tenure, Russia emerged victorious in the Russo-Georgian War, and recovered from the Great Recession. Recognising corruption as a most severe problem in Russia, Medvedev launched an anti-corruption campaign, and initiated a substantial law enforcement reform.


Chef Vladimir Putin engaged in gold mining and supply of mercenaries in Sudan


The structures of Eugene Prigogine got into Africa.

General cleaning: why Igor Shuvalov began to reduce VEB employees


Igor Shuvalov began work at the head of VEB with a proposal to cut almost half of the staff of the state corporation. Although the savings will be small. To become an effective development institution, VEB needs to cut costs, experts say.

Why Dmitry Kobylkin is needed in the government of the Russian Federation


What is the appointment of the former governor of Yamal to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Unsinkable Sergei Prikhodko will remain in government


But already in a lower position of deputy head of the apparatus of the head of the government Dmitry Medvedev.

The road for billions of dollars


VSM Chelyabinsk - Ekaterinburg: who needs it, who will pay for it and how it will be built.

Mikhail Abyzov was kicked out of the government


Mikhail Abyzov will not join the new government, sources told RBC. Since 2012, he oversaw the work of the "open government".

Dmitry Medvedev became prime minister again


In this post he will have to start implementing many unpleasant reforms for Russians. One of the first is raising the retirement age.

How Vitaly Mutko will change the real estate market


Former Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko may soon become vice-premier. What tasks will the new curator of the construction industry in Russia face?

Medvedev called candidates for a new government


The Prime Minister of Russia announced the list of candidates for the posts of vice-premiers in the new government. The post of the first vice-premier can go to Anton Siluanov, the ex-minister of sports Vitaly Mutko will supervise the construction sector.

The new president of the Russian Federation was pleased with his plans


Vladimir Putin gave the new-old government six months to find the recipe for an economic miracle.

The government will force state companies to refuse imports


State-owned companies will have to import substitute equipment in a wide range.

Viktor Vekselberg's assets were frozen by $ 1.5-2 billion


The reason was the US sanctions. To save his money, the oligarch has already met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Victor Vekselberg has margin calls


Under the US sanctions, the oligarch received problems with loans for $ 800 million. He already complained to Dmitry Medvedev and hinted at the state's participation in solving this problem.

The Kremlin prepared for the most stringent US sanctions


The Kremlin and the government are preparing for the fact that the US can take the most severe scenario in the process of imposing new sanctions against Russia. Considered actions in the case of sanctions against the national debt and disconnection of Russia from SWIFT.

The average income of Russian political elites has risen sharply


The average income of members of the Federation Council and the State Duma, officials of the Kremlin and the White House rose from 25 to 128%, it follows from the information they published about the declarations.

The Ministry of Finance proposed to accelerate the introduction of new duties on Internet commerce


The Ministry of Finance proposes to lower the threshold of duty-free Internet trading to 500 euros as early as July 1. Earlier, to begin to impose duties on a parcel of more than 500 euros, the government was going to start on January 1, 2019.

The government's pocket is a quarter full


Three quarters of the government's reserve fund for 2018 has already been spent.

Gazprom was on the verge of collapse


The gas concern is brought to the handle by the illiterate management of Alexey Miller.

Rosatom hopes for the icebreaker "Leader"


The head of the corporation, Alexei Likhachev, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin remembered the previous projects.

UAC will enter the Rostech at MS-21


And then it can be combined with the "Helicopters of Russia".

New Year of Russian oligarchs and officials


Where did they meet New Year's Eve Dmitry Peskov, Dmitry Medvedev, Alisher Usmanov, Vladimir Potanin and Igor Sechin?

Igor Sechin's little oil


"Rosneft" claims to expand the Ergin cluster.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation allowed state companies to hide their suppliers


Care in the shadow of subcontractors should protect schemes for circumvention of sanctions.

Russia will spend 2 billion dollars to help Africa


The Russian authorities continue to gradually return to the Soviet practice of multi-billion injections into the African and Asian regimes, despite the federal budget deficit, a reduction in pensions in real terms and a shortage of 266 billion rubles for doctors' salaries.

Rebellion on the knees: Khakassia asks for financial assistance


The autonomous republic asks to support it with 28 billion rubles.

Russian ruble convertibility may be limited during the crisis


Obligatory sale of foreign exchange earnings, purchase of currency with the permission of the authorities, a special account for certain operations: the right to impose such measures is requested by the government and the Central Bank of the Ministry of Finance.

Alexey Navalny is ordered to satisfy the lawsuit of the Sotsgosproekt fund


The court complied with the lawsuit of Medvedev's classmate to Navalny and ordered the latter to refute the information from his "He's not Dimon" film. 

The Russian authorities are short of 2 trillion rubles in 2017


Even the Russian Ministry of Finance cannot scrape together enough money for the military, road construction and special medicine. In 2019-2020, the government will need another 4 "extra" trillion rubles.