Rebellion on the knees: Khakassia asks for financial assistance

The autonomous republic asks to support it with 28 billion rubles.
The Supreme Council of the Khakassia asked Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin to render financial assistance to the republic in the amount of 28.2 billion rubles. Earlier, with request for support, Udmurtia appealed, and Karelia, judging by the government's plans, will substantially cut the amount of financing for the Federal Target Program for the development of the republic until 2020. In the government, "Kommersant" said that so far "no decisions" on the appeals of the regions there. The expert believes that the center will continue to "pretend that nothing is happening."

In the appeal of the deputies of the Armed Forces of Khakassia to Dmitry Medvedev and Vyacheslav Volodin, it is noted that a "catastrophic situation" has developed in the republic. To rectify the situation, they are asking for 28.2 billion rubles: 4.3 billion as one-time financial support to pay overdue accounts payable, another 17.9 billion to repay commercial loans in the region and 6 billion, taking into account compensation for falling revenues of the republican budget.

On Wednesday was the day of the plenary session, therefore in the apparatus of the State Duma it was difficult to say whether Vyacheslav Volodin had time to get acquainted with the appeal from Khakassia. The interlocutor of Kommersant emphasized that the consideration of the budget "is taking place at different venues". According to him, on October 31, the "United Russia" faction, at the initiative of the speaker, will hold a meeting with representatives of budget committees of the Legislative Assemblies of the Regions: "There can be requests, and not only from Khakassia". Note that with a request for "support in the balance of the regional budget" to the Speaker of the State Duma at the end of August during his visit to the region, then the interim head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov appealed. Vyacheslav Volodin then only agreed that the region should seek opportunities at the federal level.

The press secretary of the prime minister, Natalia Timakova, redirected the issue to the office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, who oversees intergovernmental fiscal relations. There, Kommersant stated that "some regions are interested in additional financial assistance, but today no decisions on this issue have been made." The interlocutor of Kommersant also noted that "the government has a situation in all regions, but it is important to work out a comprehensive approach to solving the problem, and not to make individual decisions." The system of interbudgetary relations with the regions is being reformed; starting from January 1, 2018, the program of restructuring of budgetary credits accumulated by regions will be launched, changes in other forms of support for the subjects are not excluded, Kommersant was told in the apparatus of the vice-premier.

It should be noted that at the end of September the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, on his page in Instagram told about a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, whom he asked to increase Chechnya's budget due to high birth rate in the republic. According to the head of Chechnya, Dmitry Kozak assured him that "all-round support and assistance will be provided." Against the reduction of Chechnya's budget Ramzan Kadyrov spoke in 2016 as well. As RBC has written, over the nine years that Mr. Kadyrov is leading Chechnya, the region received from the federal budget in the form of subsidies, subventions and subsidies of 539 billion rubles. According to the annual indicator (on average - 60 billion rubles.), Chechnya is in the top three most subsidized regions after Dagestan and Yakutia.

Meanwhile, Karelia may lose some of the funds received under the Federal Target Program for the Development of the Republic until 2020. On Wednesday, the government portal published a draft amendment to the FTP, under which the total amount of funding is reduced from 135 billion to 100 billion rubles. (mainly FTP is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Rosavtodor). The reductions are explained by the fact that in 2016-2017 the budgets allocated significantly less funds for the implementation of the FTP: for example, the federal treasury spending under the plan of 6 billion rubles. in reality amounted to about 550 million rubles. According to Kommersant's information, the extension of the Federal Target Program for the development of the Crimea and Sevastopol is not excluded. True, Dmitry Kozak's office emphasizes that "no decision on changing the timing of the FTP implementation and the amount of funding is currently accepted."

Political analyst Abbas Gallyamov says that "the situation in the regions is deteriorating objectively, so there will be more such" riots on the knees "as in Khakassia": "The center will pretend that nothing is happening and will continue to spend money on geopolitical games" . Ramzan Kadyrov, the expert calls "not just a governor, but one of the pillars of the regime, which, it is not excluded, officials themselves are afraid of cutting financing." According to the expert, the regions' requests for increased funding will be ignored.