Dmitry Medvedev became prime minister again

In this post he will have to start implementing many unpleasant reforms for Russians. One of the first is raising the retirement age.
Most of the State Duma deputies supported the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev as prime minister, and President Vladimir Putin has already signed a decree. Answering questions of representatives of parliamentary factions, Mr. Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. Against his appointment, the Communists voted and most of the referrals.

The president himself decided to present the candidacy of the prime minister to the deputies, as well as after the castling in 2012. Security measures this time were not so strict as during Vladimir Putin's previous visits to the State Duma. On such days FSO workers usually block all approaches to the building on the Okhotny Ryad, allowing only those who have a permanent pass to pass. Today, the pavement along the Duma facade on Okhotny was open to all strolling.

President Vladimir Putin, and. about. Premier Dmitry Medvedev and State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin were greeted with a shout of "hurray" in front of the entrance to the hall, and they were not deputies. The meeting began with a delay of 28 minutes, State Duma deputies (433 out of 450) gathered in the conference room in advance. After Mr. Volodin announced the meeting open, he was greeted with additional applause - already Duma members. Many United Russia on the eve of May 9 on the lapels of their jackets were pinned St. George ribbons. Communists traditionally replaced these bands with red ones.

"Despite all the difficulties, the government managed to solve not only extraordinary, urgent tasks, but at the same time to see and preserve the prospects for development, to constantly increase these opportunities aimed at the medium and longer term prospects," Mr. Medvedev praised Mr. Medvedev's work, , that the prime minister "does not need special representation: for the last six years he headed the government of the country."

The head of state recalled the May decree signed yesterday: "The benchmarks are really large-scale, ambitious, and for their achievement it is necessary to consolidate the entire society. We mean the contribution of everyone. " "I consider it extremely important to ensure continuity and new dynamics of the work of the government. Yesterday I have already said and I will repeat today: we have no time for swinging. We must act, "Vladimir Putin said, suggesting that the deputies support the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev.

Mr. Medvedev recalled the theses of the presidential address to the Federal Assembly and the May decree signed the day before. Speaking about the situation in the world, he stressed that it is not just about sanctions and pressure on Russia that "just confirm a large-scale failure in world politics". Dmitry Medvedev listed the global negative processes: the aging of the population, the shortage of labor, increasing poverty and inequality, deteriorating environmental conditions, instability in commodity markets. The politician stressed that Russia will not engage in self-isolation. "Russia was, I am sure, and will be a significant part of the global world, no matter how we were tried to oust the global agenda on the sidelines," he assured. He finished his speech with Anton Chekhov's quote: "Cases are determined by their goals: that thing is called great, which has a great purpose."

Then the representatives of the parliamentary factions started the questions. The head of the Duma Committee on Social Policy of the LDPR Yaroslav Nilov raised the issue of increasing the retirement age. "We need to make decisions. The old framework (the retirement age. - "b") was adopted very long ago. The average life expectancy at that time was around 40 years, and since then life in the country has changed - certainly, for the better. We have changed both the conditions, the opportunities, the people's desire to work, and the period of active life, so it's necessary to make a decision, but, of course, to take it carefully and carefully, "said Dmitry Medvedev and promised that the government will submit proposals to the Duma in the near future on this occasion.

The United Russia deputy Mikhail Tarasenko asked about the import substitution of medicines (we remind that the leaders of all four Duma factions and Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin introduced a bill according to which the import of drugs from the USA can be prohibited to Russia). Dmitry Medvedev made it clear that the ban on certain important drugs should not be expected. The leader of the referendum Sergei Mironov asked how Mr. Medvedev relates to the bill of his party, according to which the prime minister should not be in any party structure. "We call political parties political parties, leaders are at the head of the parties, and in most countries of the world to some extent these leaders participate in the formation of the government. Somewhere directly heading the government, somewhere at the head of the parties is the president. There is nothing seditious about this, "Dmitriy Medvedev said in response.

The leaders of the two ("Fair Russia" and the Communist Party) of the four Duma factions in their speeches addressed not to Dmitry Medvedev, but to Vladimir Putin. Gennady Zyuganov spoke about the "consolidation" of all political forces, the readiness of Communists to work together with the Kremlin and the government, praised the siloviki and chided government financiers. He also remembered the presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin, whom, according to Mr. Zyuganov, was pursued. About the position of the faction about the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev, he never said. Sergei Mironov recalled that the referendums supported Vladimir Putin in the presidential election, continue to support him, but they will not vote for Mr. Medvedev.

As a result, 374 deputies voted for Dmitry Medvedev, which is less than now in the fractions of United Russia (339) and LDPR (40) combined (379 in all). At the same time, four more directories were also voted for the prime minister. This is far from a record for the protege of Vladimir Putin. For example, in 2007, 381 deputies voted for the approval of Viktor Zubkov, the prime minister. The appointment of the head of the government of Vladimir Putin himself in 2008 was supported by 392 deputies. In 2012, with the achievement of a psychologically important bar of 300 votes, problems arose. Then Dmitry Medvedev voted United Russia, which was less in the Duma, and the LDPR deputies, as well as a few directories. Due to this, 299 votes were provided.

This time the approximate result of the vote was actually known in advance. Dmitry Medvedev, on the eve of agreeing to support United Russia and the LDPR, was in the morning in the State Duma, met with the fractions of the Communist Party and "Fair Russia". Both eventually refused to vote for his candidacy. However, in contradistinction with the opinion of the "Fair Russia" faction, the chairmen of the three Duma committees eventually came to the fore: Anatoly Aksakov on the financial market, Leonid Levin on information policy (supported Mr. Medvedev in 2012), on housing policy Galina Khovanskaya. The fourth referendum, voted "for" was the first deputy chairman of the energy committee, Igor Anansky.