Mikhail Abyzov was kicked out of the government

Mikhail Abyzov will not join the new government, sources told RBC. Since 2012, he oversaw the work of the "open government".
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Acting Minister for "open government" Mikhail Abyzov will not be included in the new cabinet. "He will not join the new government, Abyzov is entrusted with engaging in a large state project," said a source aware of the decision, without giving details of Abyzov's future work.

Another source in the circle of Abyzov told RBC that he was acting. Minister has already informed some employees of his office that he will not work in the new government.

The press service of the "open government" declined to comment.

Mikhail Abyzov has been working in the Cabinet since May 2012, he oversees the work of the "open government". Before joining the civil service, he worked in management positions in Novosibirskenergo, was a member of the board of RAO UES, was the general director of Kuzbassrazrezugol and the chairman of the board of directors of Ru-Com.

"Open government" is a system of mechanisms and principles that ensure openness of activities and accountability of government bodies, and also contribute to the involvement of society in the decision-making process, its official website says. This system also assumes "transparency of government spending, procurement and investment", as well as "effective public control".

The "open government" project at the end of 2011 was initiated by Dmitry Medvedev, who then held the post of president of Russia. "I propose to think about creating a so-called big government or, as it is sometimes said, an enlarged government that will work together with the main party that can form such a government, with United Russia, along with civil society, along with experts, together with the regional and municipal authorities, together with all voters who are ready to vote for us. And even with those who do not fully agree with us, if they are ready for this, of course, "he said.

In January 2014, Medvedev approved the concept of openness of federal executive bodies. It says that the openness of the authorities is based on four principles - information openness, understandability, civil society involvement and accountability.

The source of RBC, close to the government, said that the structure headed by Abyzov, including the expert council, will be preserved after his resignation from the cabinet of ministers, but will be transformed with an emphasis on control and supervisory activities.