Kobylkin Dmitry


Dmitry Kobylkin canceled the decree of Sergei Donskoy on the destruction of the Sochi National Park


Sochi National Park will retain a legal entity: the decision on its accession to the Caucasus Reserve has been canceled.

Head of Rosprirodnadzor Artem Sidorov resigned at his own request


Artem Sidorov from vacation will not return to work. In his place claims Murad Kerimov.

The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Dmitry Kobylkin fired the director of the Sochi National Park


Dmitry Kobylkin postponed the reorganization of the national park and cleaned it from the odious stooges of the previous Minister of Natural Resources.

YaNAO received in the governors of the elite in the second generation


The head of the region was 30-year-old Dmitry Artyukhov. His father, Andrei Artyukhov, is vice-speaker of the Tyumen Regional Duma and a prominent party activist of United Russia.

Why Dmitry Kobylkin is needed in the government of the Russian Federation


What is the appointment of the former governor of Yamal to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Who entered and who left the government of Russia


In the new government, ten vice-premiers and twenty-one ministers, and five vice-premiers and nine ministers left.