

The commodity sector was the only profitable in Russia


The growth of profits of Russian companies this year was due to the growth of profits of companies in the oil and gas sector.

Construction of housing in Russia has stalled


In the country, for the third consecutive month, the volume of housing is decreasing.

In Antalya flew 2.5 million Russians


For half a year, 2.5 million Russians passed through Antalya airport, which is 25% higher than the same period last year. The rest of the directions of overseas recreation of Russians show a decline.

The Russian economy is losing the non-primary sector


In January-April 2018, profit growth was recorded only in commodity companies, the rest decreased their performance.

In Russia, industrial production fell sharply


The fall in industrial production in November was the worst since 2009.

Real incomes of Russian doctors were 2 times lower than official ones


The average salary of physicians in Russia, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, is 53 thousand rubles. However, only 8% of doctors receive more than 50 thousand rubles.

Alcohol flooded from abroad


Alcohol supplies to Russia have grown explosively.

The Central Bank accused the Russians of the inability to assess inflation


Russia continues to widen the gap between official inflation recorded by Rosstat and the rate of price growth, which is observed by citizens of the country.

Russian tourists flooded Turkey


More than 2 million Russians visited the resorts of Antalya.

Russian banks do not believe there's an end to the crisis


The number of bank offices in Russia has been declining for four consecutive years and has already become less than in 2006.

Russia's place in the shade


Russia became the fourth in the world in terms of the size of the shadow economy after Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Nigeria.