Russian banks do not believe there's an end to the crisis

The number of bank offices in Russia has been declining for four consecutive years and has already become less than in 2006.
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Rosstat and Russian officials happily report the end of the economic crisis in the country. However, Russian banks for some reason do not share this joy. They continue to close their offices throughout the country (see the chart "The number of bank offices (points of sale) in the Russian Federation"). Moreover, the rate of closure of banking offices in the country does not even think to decrease (see the chart "Dynamics of changes in the number of bank offices (points of sale) in the Russian Federation").

Sooner or later, such rapid disposal of banks from offices should lead to the fact that their number will be less than ever before for the entire measurement period. And this day has come. He came on May 1, 2017.

The Central Bank began to publish extended statistics on the number of bank offices on May 1, 2006. Prior to this, information was only published on the number of banks and the number of branches. And that's it. After May 1, 2006, the regulator began to publish statistics on the number of additional offices, cash desks, credit and cash offices. After July 1, 2007 the regulator began to publish additional statistics on the number of operational offices and mobile points.

Despite the fact that the expanded statistics were in the public domain for more than a year, in mid-2007 there were still officials (which is not surprising) and bankers (which is already surprising), seriously trying to assure everyone that the banks in Russia are supposedly very very little. Although, already at that time, the country's banking offices overtook the United States and some European countries (see the ancient article of August 19, 2007, "There are more banks in Petersburg than in the US").

So, on May 1, 2006, 35 127 banking offices were registered in the Russian Federation. On May 1, 2017, there were 35,126 of them in the Russian Federation. On June 1, 2017, there were 34,985 of them left. Seven years, with an annual break for the crisis of 2008-2009, the number of bank offices in our country has grown. During the crisis of 2008-2009, their number fell by only 1,546 pieces (from 43,628 to 42,082 units). The maximum was reached on July 1, 2013 at the level of 47 049 pieces. Since then, for four years now, the number of bank offices in the Russian Federation has fallen, and is falling and falling. And the end is not visible to the fall. Russian banks do not believe that the economic crisis in the country has ended.