

Pavel Livinsky will throw bad networks to the state


Rosseti Holding wants to transfer unprofitable assets to the state balance.

Gref Kostin fight because of the asset "Rossety"


Uralelektrostroy continues to master Sberbank funds in bankruptcy proceedings. Andrei Kostin's subordinates require competitive production for a large construction company.

Igor Rotenberg wind the counter


A businessman's company can become a monopolist in the smart electricity meter market, estimated at 40–60 billion rubles a year.

"Rosseti" has planned record dividends


The company will pay 5 billion rubles as a result of 2018.

Andrei Murov does not want to be eaten by Pavel Livinsky


The presidency of the Federal Grid Company, the son of ex-head of the FSO Andrei Murov asked Premier Dmitry Medvedev to protect the company from the claims of Rossetei. FSK is a subsidiary of Rossetei, but so far it is managed directly by the government.

The accident at the energy bridge Kuban-Crimea again de-energized the peninsula


The accident on Taman de-energized for a few hours the peninsula. Own electricity generation in Crimea is not enough even for 10-15% of the region's needs.

Former head of Energostroyinvest-holding Konstantin Shishkin was released from custody


The Moscow City Court overturned the verdict in the case of fraud in the Zingarevichy clan.

Sergei Chemezov entangled in the Rosseti


Rostech may become a shareholder of Rossetei.

"Rosseti" did not recognize Crimea as Russian


The state holding will not work on the peninsula, and local networks will be given to the Federal Property Agency.

Marriage during the plague was arranged for Lolita Osmanova and Gaspard Avdolyan


Co-owner of Mezhregionsoyuzenergo, Eldar Osmanov, arranged a luxurious wedding in the United States for his daughter. The company has no money to repay loans, its second co-owner is Yuri Shulgin, who is hiding from the investigation outside the Russian Federation.