Marriage during the plague was arranged for Lolita Osmanova and Gaspard Avdolyan

Co-owner of Mezhregionsoyuzenergo, Eldar Osmanov, arranged a luxurious wedding in the United States for his daughter. The company has no money to repay loans, its second co-owner is Yuri Shulgin, who is hiding from the investigation outside the Russian Federation.
Origin source
The daughter of the famous Russian businessman Eldar Osmanov - Lolita marries the son of the oligarch Albert Avdolyan - Gaspar. Meanwhile, the energy holding company Mezhregionsoyuzhenergo (MRSEEN), owned by the bride's father, is going through difficult times: bankruptcy lawsuits are filed against subsidiaries, criminal cases are being investigated both for Osmanov and the second co-owner and concurrently the company's CEO, Yuri Shulgin Announced in addition to the federal wanted list). In addition, according to the witness, who cooperates with the investigation, a conflict has broken out among business owners. How is joy and sorrow combined in MPCEN?

Hollywood Wedding

Gaspard Avdolyan and Lolita Osmanova reported about the intention to combine the marriage in a rather original form, sending out cases with a video message instead of traditional invitations. The moment of receipt of a black suitcase containing, in addition to the invitation, an Oscar statuette, a set of playing chips, a pen and a gold plate with the names of the young ones, was captured on YouTube. From the video shown, it follows that the newlyweds intend to celebrate their first family holiday on July 1 at the Dolby Theater on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, the place where the Oscar Awards are awarded.

The accompanying video message from the case, as well as the style in which the video was shot, suggest that the party is likely to be thematic. The combination of a stylized evening with a cult place suggests that the cost of the holiday will be calculated by a sum of not less than six zeros - at least, in the ruble equivalent. At least because the theater Dolby can accommodate about 3.4 thousand people, and its scene - one of the largest and most famous in the US. Sometimes theater premises are rented for private events, including weddings. However, the marriage is not the first large-scale event that is arranged for the bride. If in Instagram to drive tags # LolitaOzmanova in combination with #DayRozhdenie, then we can estimate the scope with which congratulate the daughter co-owner MRSEEN. In addition, for itself says the page of Lolita, acting in this network under the pseudonym of reina_dolores.

Of course, the costs that businessmen and politicians allow themselves, arranging the marriages of their beloved children, will not surprise anyone - the Internet teems with illustrations of similar examples. In defense of the establishment, we can say that how to spend the money earned is their own business. Especially if they allow themselves luxurious celebrations in an environment where everything is calm and good: business is developing, taxes are being paid, counterparties are calm.

However, in the case of the Mezhregionsoyuzenergo holding, which includes, according to the SPARK system and Kommersant, such assets as Tagilenergosbyt, Chelyabenergosbyt, Arkhenergosbyt, Vologdaenergosbyt, Khakakasenergosbyt, Roskommunenergo, The situation is different. As it is clear from the information published in the file of arbitration cases, the creditors of the holding have already despaired of waiting for money, so the courts consider a huge number of claims against the subsidiary structures of the IRSEN, and several criminal cases are being investigated with respect to the owners.

Part one - criminal

The first story with a criminal tinge occurred in 2010. The victim was a former employee of the subsidiary of MPEN Tatyana Romanova. Until 2009, Tatyana worked as a member of the board of Roskommunenergo holding company, and then became the director of the sanatorium owned by the holding company. In the summer of 2010, 90 thousand rubles were stolen from the safe in the sanatorium, an investigation of the incident was started. While it was going on, according to Romanova, business owners invited her to tell law enforcement officers that, in addition to money, promissory notes for 100 million rubles were also missing from the safe. The former employee refused. After that, they began to threaten her. Romanova left the company, but her misadventures did not end there: Mosuralbank, affiliated with Roskommunenergo, demanded that it repay the mortgage ahead of schedule. To settle accounts with the bank, Tatiana was forced to sell the apartment, then decided to go to the Moscow Arbat UVD, write a statement about the threats of murder and tell some unflattering details of the Roskommunenergo business.

So, she said, instead of investing in electricity generating companies, Roskommunenergo concentrated on buying electricity sales companies, which enabled the holding to become the main owner of Vologdaenergosbyt, Arkhangelskenergosbyt and Khakasenergosbyt by 2010, which since 2011 has been managed by Mezhregionsoyuzenergo, Affiliated with all sales and the holding company Roskommunenergo. According to her, former employers built their holding virtually on the money of the holding itself, which in the period from 2008 to 2012 took about 2 billion rubles.

The owners of the group are Eldar Osmanov and Yuri Shulgin - General Director of Roskommunenergo and Mezhregionsoyuzenergo. According to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Arkhangelsk region, Yuri Shulgin, born in 1960, is currently wanted for committing a crime under the criminal code. The website also reports that Shulgin has the second citizenship of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

I must say that the publicity of what is happening in Roskommunenergo and MRSEEN for Tatyana herself has not passed without a trace. As Romanova told, she began to act as a witness under state protection. "Five days after I gave testimony to Osmanov's company, I walked along the Arbat Street and did not even feel like I had a knife stuck into my neck. I was saved only by the fact that I was in a hood, "she said. Fortunately, Tatiana survived.

The story continued in May 2013, when, according to the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, the company conducted searches in support of the criminal case under the article "Fraud in the field of entrepreneurship", initiated against the managers of JSC Vologdaenergosbyt. Employees of the economic police found that in 2010-2011, the officials of the power supply company submitted to the Regional Energy Commission (REC) for the Vologda Oblast the understated parameters of the claimed capacity and transmitted electricity, which caused damage to the branch of IDGC of North-West-Vologdaenergo in Especially large amount (more than 200 million rubles). At the same time, Mezhregionsoyuzenergo then, as now, performed the functions of the sole executive body for Vologdaenergosbyt, Arkhenergosbyt and Khakasenergosbyt.

According to the Supreme Court, the criminal case was brought against both owners of Mezhregionsoyuzenergo - both Osmanov and Shulgin. "Of special interest, incidentally, is that the co-owners of the company have long been at war with each other," says Tatyana Romanova, who is a witness in several criminal cases related to the IRSEN.

I must say that in similar cases, according to Russian practice, the responsibility is borne not by the owners of the business, but by managers who are only executors. So, in particular, it happened once with former deputy directors of Tverenergosbyt Peter Demyanov and Mikhail Bukvin, who worked in Energostream's daughter company, as well as Yulia Lubchich, the head of Tulaenergosbyt.

Part Two - Arbitration

In 2017, criminal claims against Mezhregionsoyuzenergo received, in addition to the criminal one, another dimension - arbitration. As Kommersant wrote, the application for bankruptcy of the subsidiaries of MRESE came from a number of enterprises of the Rosset holding. IDGC of the North-West, IDGC of Siberia and IDGC of Urals filed a series of applications for bankruptcy of Arkhenergosbyt, Vologda sales company, Khakasenergosbyt, Roskommunenergo. According to Rossetei, the debt of the latter to three IDGCs at the beginning of 2017 was 10.5 billion rubles.

In June, according to Kommersant, the IDGC of the Urals included in the "Rosset" joined the fight. The company filed an application to the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk region on the bankruptcy of Chelyabenergosbyt (BSEC), which is the guaranteeing supplier (GP) of the region's electricity. In its turn, according to some reports, the BSEC is a subsidiary of the IRSEN.

In 2012, according to Kommersant, 92.3 percent of the BSEC charter capital belonged to the offshore SV Property Management (Cyprus). On March 24, 2015, according to the BSEC data, it reduced its share to 17.39 percent. After that, four new shareholders of the company became OOO Energopromfinance Consortium LLC, Basisenergo Trade LLC, Private Electricity Law Center LLC and LLC LVL Investment Group (each own 15% of the authorized capital). All of them, through an intricate structure of owners, are connected with Mezhregionsoyuzenergo. In particular, Yury Shulgin, General Director and co-owner of MRSEEN, currently on the federal wanted list, is co-owner of the Private Electricity Law Center and Basisenergo Trade, together with Eldar Osmanov.

The suit was registered on June 23, but a preliminary meeting has not yet been scheduled. As the newspaper found out, the basis for filing the application were two court decisions on non-fulfillment of obligations to pay off debts to networks in 2011-2012. At the same time, BSEC's debt to IDGC in the latter is estimated at more than 3 billion rubles, and it is feared that by the beginning of the autumn-winter season it can increase to 5.6 billion rubles. In addition to the collection of debts, MRSKs also intend to achieve the deprivation of Chelyabenergosbyt's status as a state-owned enterprise. They did not respond to the request of the newspaper for the request of the newspaper, and the BSEC was informed that in June, after court disputes caused by counter claims, the court of second instance determined the payment balance, which, of course, will be paid. Whether it is so - time will tell.

I must say that Tatyana Romanova, who at the time of the appeal of "" already knew about the upcoming wedding in Los Angeles from social networks, expressed sincere indignation at this situation. "Sales in Russia live off the sales mark-up and perform an intermediary function. Through it are huge cash flows, which are sometimes spent, as we see on the example of MRSEEN, on the luxury lifestyle of owners and management, while across the country can hear the weeping and complaints of the core companies about the lack of money, "she said. "At the same time, the debts of Mezhregionsoyuzenergo can entail problems for other market participants and for the whole country and to break the heating season," Romanova stressed.