Open Government


Mikhail Abyzov fell into a neuralgic disorder


Former Minister Mikhail Abyzov, who has been in jail since March 2019, was again extended his arrest - he will stay in Lefortovo for at least another two months.

Mikhail Abyzov complains of slow investigators


The details of the September interrogation of the ex-minister of open government became known.

Assets of Mikhail Abyzov were arrested


In the case of the OPS at the ex-minister arrested real estate, stocks and money.

Henpecked Abyzov fell in love with photography


But the former VIP-stewardess did not have time to bring to the registry office the arrested billionaire.

The damage from the fraud of Mikhail Abyzov FSB estimated at 2 billion rubles


The FSB operatives did not reveal the withdrawal of income from payments of the population for energy resources by ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov, one of the defendants told the court.

Mikhail Abyzov attributed more than necessary


The damage to his case was not so terrible.

Roman Trotsenko's generous gesture did not save Abyzov from the SIZO


The co-owner of Novaport, Roman Trotsenko, was ready to pay a pledge of 1 billion rubles for the ex-official.

How did Mikhail Abyzov get from ketchup supplies to the minister’s chair


On March 26 in Moscow, the FSB detained ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov. He is suspected of embezzling 4 billion rubles. What is known about the businessman and the ex-official.

Yan Ryazantsev and Mikhail Chuchkevich stole 1.3 billion rubles in venture capital


For the theft of budget funds, former member of the board of the Russian venture company Yan Ryazantsev and former senior adviser Anatoly Chubais in Rusnano and Mikhail Excholzhenko, partner of the former minister for Open Government Mikhail Chuchkevich, were arrested.

American patriot Abizov


New scandal erupted around the Minister for Open Government.