American patriot Abizov

New scandal erupted around the Minister for Open Government.
Origin source
State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin interested published by the American Internet scans of passports of family members of the Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzova. An anonymous blogger claims that Michael himself Abizov - a US citizen. Valery Rashkin intends to appeal to the head of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov demanding an authenticated published scans and significantly elucidate the question of Abyzova citizenship.

Of course, if the materials will be genuine, Rashkin hopes to receive from the FSB explanation of how it turned out that the Russian minister is a US citizen. No less interesting is the question of why this situation publicly denounces blogger, not the state security organs, which is a nominal charge.

Note that this is not the first information on the same subject, which became public. Earlier in the press openly published materials that Michael Abyzova family resides abroad. Sons Daniel and Nikita, daughter Zoe are US citizens, and wife Catherine Sirotenko has a residence permit in the United States. Parents Sirotenko receiveds citizenship in 2008, lived in the US since 1991. It was pointed out that the family of the Russian minister has to use a number of facilities Overseas Property: apartment (. 341 sq m) and a garage (. 42 sq m) in London, a room in a country house (180 sq. M) in Italy at Valpiana, city Massa Marittima, Il Tesoro possession. On his son Daniel is decorated villa in the province of Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy, worth 2.2 mln. Euro

It was pointed out that the family of the Russian minister has to use a number of facilities Overseas Property: apartment (. 341 sq m) and a garage (. 42 sq m) in London, a room in a country house (180 sq. M) in Italy at Valpiana, city Massa Marittima, Il Tesoro possession. On his son Daniel is decorated villa in the province of Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy, worth 2.2 mln. Euros. Good live Russian ministers! Straight and would like to get them into the government work. Work and earn ...

In our view, the situation itself, when the family of the Russian minister resident in the territory of our geopolitical rival, is absurd. And the deputy Valery Rashkin, judging by his statements, apparently also said.

The motive for the "digging » the Communists under Abyzova was that the name of the ministry headed by him is very much in tune with the program of the State Department, which he is trying to implement in some countries - said the deputy told reporters. Valery Rashkin so surprised the origin of the idea. Someone might find it petty nitpicking ... But if the name was the only reason to question Mikhail Abyzov!

The project itself is "Open Government" was originally an American initiative to implement the system providing external influence on key decisions made by government agencies. It is not exclusively Russian orientation, and invited many Americans, mainly to developing countries, which lacked the independence to live with his mind. By implementation of this project in Russia to supply Abyzova many Western consulting and auditing companies have been involved, which has repeatedly been mentioned in connection with the possibility of their use by foreign special services, but it is somewhat lower. So the Communists, in fact, were notso naive.

APN repeatedly made about the activities of "Open Government", his ministers and officials, which as a result of the unknown communicative misunderstandings called "experts." But, to be honest, we mostly suspected banal cut and incompetence, the lobbying of some private commercial interests - all those ordinary ugliness, which for centuries has been the Russian bureaucracy, albeit somewhat improved due to the new trends.

But such a wonderful twist threads and we never occurred.

Well, now we know that, it turns out, "and so can be." It is possible within the civil service to fight for the "openness" of Russia, and privately to organize a spare area somewhere overseas.

However, certain allusions to the possibility of such a turn threads were observed earlier. We wrote that the work of "Open Government" in fact oversees and directs the analytical center "Forum". Drawing attention to the fact that key figures in the Forum is a series of foreign konsalterov and could podumats that the whole story in the end is not purely commercial, as the interstate accent. For example, the analytical center of the positions of Executive Directors took Catherine Hood and Alexander Bragin, who work part-time in the western Price Waterhouse Coopers and Deloitte. It seems interesting in this regard, and the figure has one executive director - Igor Silesian, a former slave Abyzova RAO UES Anatoly Chubais and mediatrenera.

Employees of the private consulting firms that are tightly integrated into the infrastructure of the "Open Government", have access to confidential and secret documents of the Russian Government, to the strategic data of the largest Russian companies, which are all kinds of "expertise" in the OP. And it is hardly possible to imagine a convincing guarantee that the confidential information is not leaked to the West. Especially considering what example for his staff behavior submits analytical center mister Abizov.

A lot of interesting characters, until recently, was present in the composition of the Expert Council of Rightsstruction of the Russian Federation, headed by Abizov. For example, Sergei Guriev, who a couple of years ago, hastily left Russia, Sergei Aleksashenko, have long since positioned himself as the implacable opponent of the Russian government, or official has a multimillion-dollar debt Vladislav Inozemtsev.

A separate issue is the competence of the staff "Forum" analytical center, which oversees the work of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation. As is known, open government should examine the economic and social importance of federal-level decisions, but apparently, in this area the Minister Abizov not achieved any significant results. Otherwise, we would have seen his authorship of the proposals and measures aimed at stabilizing the socio-economic situation in the country.

The manifestation of incompetence and lack of professionalism at such a high level is definitely scary. But no less a concern assumption that some members of the Open Government, including its leader Abyzova themselves were interested in exacerbating macroeconomicallyth depression. For example, to finally close the issue of the debts of the engineering company "E4 Group", which the beneficiary until recently was Abizov and his family. Recall, E4 has received a series of complaints from Sberbank (at 2.8 billion. Rubles), "Alfa-Bank" (at 5.7 billion. Rubles), "Russia" bank "Globex" and others. Management explained the problems of E4, that the company allegedly suddenly ran out of money to loan servicing and even on the fulfillment of social obligations to employees. Of course, the crisis in this case can be a convenient explanation. But it does not explain the problem E4 desire to crank out another scheme? It is very simple: at the beginning of the devaluation of current assets of Group E4 banal output abroad and return to the rate stabilization, but significantly increased, due to depreciation, amount. Which is not only enough to pay off the debt, but also to obtain profits. Are directly involved in this process could well old friend Abyzova - Val Vanin, a former member of the Board of Directors of E4 and also a US citizen.

Whatever it was, but the dayWhen Michael A. rid of E4 Group (and it happened just in June 2015), certainly he was one of the happiest in his life. Painfully problem was the company: multibillion-dollar debt to the banks claim to the quality and timing of construction of the largest power facilities on the part of Russian and foreign customers, hundreds of complaints and claims from employees thrown in hopes of getting the put salary, etc.

In addition, the business empire of Mr Abyzova, I suppose, not much affected. Its Russian assets has been much written. This energy company in Novosibirsk, and Dalmostostroy and agricultural holding "Kopitaniya" and many others, the total value of which, according to «Forbes» to the magazine, is $ 1 billion.. But the minister of foreign assets, with the exception of the British coal Powerfuel, were bypassed attention. We fill this gap.

Not long ago, foreign media have published a document containing the names belonging Abyzov offshore companies through which the Russian official of the highest rank in control of his assets. It Tecalson Investments, Kalielson Investments, Blackville Investments, Gardenvale Investments, Kevalda Holdings, Eforg Asset Management, Sibeco Asset Management and Obymen Lake Holdings Ltd. (All Cypriot), Batios Holding Ltd., Fortiza Ltd., Arinya United Company SA and Kolora Management Inc (British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands). Not to mention the offshore company owned Abyzov «Cushendal Ventures Limited» (British Virgin Islands), through which considerable sums of money. In total, a member of the Russian government controls from forty to fifty companies and funds in Cyprus, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands.

Strange that is not listed no companies from Voronezh and Ryazan, well, or Moscow ... But you can not say that Mr. offshore Abyzova completely decoupled from the Russian soil. Their names can also be found in the materials of the proceedings on the website of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia - and it is already a lot.

According to a number of Russian and British experts, it's all front companies, through which the minister without portfolio controls power for electricity generation, as well as wholesale and retail distribution network in a number of Russian regions, the total value of the catryh billions of dollars. Minister Abizov apparently laughing at Putin's anger over the "offshore energy," President's opinion it is not a decree.

It is interesting that until 2014 it was owned and the company «Emmerson International Corp.», later transferred to the trust management of offshore «Abacus Ltd.» (Cyprus). This trust Abizov also conveyed US bonds (250 mln. Dollars) and German (50 mln. Euros) Governments, more than 50 million. Dollars and 35 million. Euro in the accounts in the New York office of the bank «JP Morgan» Referring to the trust agreement with "Abacus Ltd.», Mikhail Abyzov as a beneficiary on a quarterly basis to be transmitted gains and dividends asset management. According to the report offshore aimed Abyzov, his income from the management of these assets in 2013 amounted to more than 13 mln. US dollars and 5 million. Euro. A similar amount has been received by it and in 2014.

These funds have not been shown Abyzov in the income statement for the respective periods and were allegedly sent to him under the control of offshore structures.

These circumstances can be regarded as regrettableforgetfulness, to be absolutely compassionate to the poor minister. A can be interpreted as the use of the Open Government Minister for foreign financial instruments that directly violates Russian law.

In general, some unpatriotic image emerges Minister of the Russian Government Mikhail Abyzova. An official with the American passport in his pocket, head created by the American patterns structure where staff occupy key positions western consulting, including American companies. And besides, was repeatedly suspected in the withdrawal of funds in the United States ... The list goes on, but this is enough to pay the police, finally, attention to the activities of the "American Patriot".

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