Henpecked Abyzov fell in love with photography

But the former VIP-stewardess did not have time to bring to the registry office the arrested billionaire.
Last week, the court arrested the 46-year-old Mikhail Abyzov, the former Minister for Open Government Affairs. An ex-official is suspected of organizing a criminal community and embezzling 4 billion rubles.

Abyzov was considered the richest Russian minister and did not hesitate at all, openly declaring not only the elite square meters in the capital and Moscow region, but also villas in Italy, real estate in London, luxury cars and motorcycles. Already being an official, he managed to get into the Forbes rating “200 richest businessmen of Russia” for 2016 with an estimated state of $ 600 million.

Abyzov explained his luxurious life by the fact that he earned millions as an ordinary entrepreneur, on the sale of securities and construction objects.

In political circles, Abyzov was considered a Chubais man. However, his friendship with the chairman of the board of Rosnano did not save him from arrest.

Stewardess named Valya

The ex-minister was supported in the courtroom by a common-law wife, 29-year-old Valentina Grigorieva.

Thanks to the novel with the most beautiful stewardess of Russia (this title Valentina received for several years in a row when she worked as a flight attendant in the business class of one of the airlines) Abyzov more often than other ministers flashed in gloss.

With Valentina Abyzov close for more than three years. Last year, the couple had a son. They say the girl dreamed of the march of Mendelssohn, but Abyzov did not hurry to the registry office.

Earlier, Mikhail was married to his classmate at Moscow State University, Ekaterina Sirotenko (now a successful businesswoman, owner of a restaurant chain). In this and so far the only legal marriage Abyzov had a daughter and two sons.

- Kate was holding her husband in her yoke. It was immediately clear who the head of the family was in their house, the friends of the Abyzovs, the Sirotenko, told KP.

However, in 2016, Abyzov divorced. At the same time, the paparazzi caught him in one of the metropolitan nightclubs, where he was accompanied by long-legged beauty Valentina Grigorieva.

As the legend goes, the ex-minister saw a snapshot of a flight attendant in social networks and fell in love. And it was not difficult to find the charmer’s phone for him, since Mikhail was the VIP client of the airline where Valentina worked.

The 18-year-old age difference did not embarrass the Murmansk woman, since prior to meeting with Abyzov she preferred solid men. Back in 2009, as a participant in the contest "The Beauty of the Arctic" (where Grigorieva won the title of "First Vice-Miss"), the girl admitted to journalists that she was dating a man of a much older self. True, that novel was short-lived. Already in 2012, participating with her sister Catherine on the TV show “Top Model in Russian,” Valentina complained about her unsettled personal life. She said she wanted to go and build love on the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” (where, as you know, some participants had sex in front of the cameras), but the parents forbade it.

And if participation in the “Top Model in Russian” didn’t have a strong impact on Valentina’s career (not counting friendship and friendship with the model Irina Shayk, who was a mentor at the show), then for her sister the project turned out to be significant: Catherine became an “angel” underwear brand Victoria's Secret.

Courchevel holidays and rose gold

The novel with Abyzov became for the stewardess a pass to the high society and the world of gloss. Michael did not spare the money for his beloved. Provided a luxurious holiday resorts: in the winter in Courchevel and the United Arab Emirates, in the summer - in Mexico. And this is not counting the family leisure in Abyzov’s villas in London and Tuscany. It should be noted that, as soon as Abyzov was arrested, his young passion closed its Instagram. True, the network has kept curious footage from the blog beauty.

On the beauty's finger, we saw a ring with an impressive heart-shaped diamond.

- In the photo diamond approximately 3 - 3.5 carats pear-cut. The cost of the price range is large, it all depends on the purity of the stone. If this stone has ideal characteristics, then only a diamond can cost 197 thousand dollars, ”representative of the jewelry brand Daizy Jewelery Diana Aliyeva shared with KP.

In this photo, Valentina (after the birth of her son, she left the profession of a flight attendant and was fascinated by horse riding) was captured next to her horse. The girl has a nice fur vest.

- This is the fur of a pine marten. The waistcoat costs more than 350 thousand rubles, ”Angelika Novitskaya, expert in commodity and specialist in fur products, told KP.

On one of the vacation photos, where Abyzova's girlfriend is enjoying champagne while sunbathing on a yacht, one can see a luxury diamond bracelet. Apparently, a gift of a beloved man.

- This is the basic Love bracelet from 18-carat pink and white gold (114 classic-cut diamonds with a total weight of 1.47 carats) from the Cartier collection (on the official website of the Cartier jewelry house this jewel costs 2 million 490 thousand rubles. - Ed.) - Nikolai Plakhov, jewelry designer, explained to Komsomolka. - Jewelry from the Love collection is most often bought by lovers for their second half.