Mikhail Abyzov fell into a neuralgic disorder

Former Minister Mikhail Abyzov, who has been in jail since March 2019, was again extended his arrest - he will stay in Lefortovo for at least another two months.
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At the meeting, Abyzov complained of an acute neurological disorder, however, the judge considered the arguments of the investigation more convincing. The Moscow Basmanny Court on January 22 left Mikhail Abyzov, former Minister of Open Government Affairs, in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, Forbes correspondent reports from the courtroom. Judge Arthur Karpov extended the period of detention for two months to a former official, as well as to two ex-heads of structures under his control - the former general director of the RU-COM group Nikolai Stepanov and the ex-head of SIBECO Alexander Pelipasov.

The court session began with a delay of two hours. All these times, numerous relatives of the accused and their lawyers were waiting in the hallway of the court and studying the case file. Abyzov's common-law wife Valentina Grigoryeva, as well as former Rusnano top manager Leonid Melamed, came to court.

The process began with Abyzov’s unexpected statements. At first he could not remember his home address in Moscow. “Look in the case file,” he asked Judge Karpov. And then he said that he was diagnosed with an acute neurological disorder that adversely affected his musculoskeletal system. “Tomorrow I begin the fourth course of treatment. The three courses that were before this did not give a result, ”the ex-minister said. In support of Abyzov’s words, his lawyer Ruslan Kozhura handed over to the judge the advisory opinion of a neurologist from Lefortovo (pre-trial detention center No. 2).

The lawyer assured the court that it was necessary to examine Abyzov in detail - at least to have an MRI, but there were no technical capabilities in the remand prison.

Leave all three accused in custody requested investigator Sergei Stepanov. He made standard arguments - once free, the accused will conspire, impede the investigation, destroy evidence. “Abyzov owns real estate in Italy and the UK. Over 28 billion rubles were arrested on his accounts, ”Stepanov listed the property of the former minister. The request of the investigator to extend the arrest was supported by the prosecutor. The defendants and their lawyers, in turn, asked to replace the preventive measure with house arrest, or to release Stepanov on bail of 10 million rubles, and Pelipasov - 3 million rubles. According to Abyzov, the amount of the pledge was not named, despite the fact that in March 2019 his defenders in court proposed a pledge of 1 billion rubles - this amount for Abyzov was ready to be paid by billionaire Roman Trotsenko F 59.

As lawyers and the accused themselves later explained in their speeches, the case so far contains only one examination conducted at the request of the FSB by expert Aleshin in 2018, a year before the arrest of Abyzov and his alleged accomplices.

“I do not plead guilty. I did not create a criminal community and did not commit other actions, - Abyzov spoke. Then he literally repeated his testimony, which he still gave to the investigator in September. “I do not understand the essence of the charges: when, where and under what circumstances were the crimes committed? Investigator Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich told me that the alleged acts consist of embezzlement of the shares of SIBEKO and RES. But I note that I have not been charged with embezzlement of shares. I am suspected of embezzlement of funds from shareholders, ”Abyzov said.

The accused Stepanov also noted that in the operational-search materials, wiretaps of conversations there is no evidence of his guilt or the guilt of Abyzov - they only follow that he and the ex-minister talked. “I don’t hide this, we were friends of families, I was with my wife at the wedding of my son Mikhail Abyzov,” said Stepanov.

Abyzov himself in a court admitted a year ago that he was charged with sending SMS messages to his guard Valera. "Nikolay at 20 on Obydensky, spend an apartment in 18tsb," wrote Abyzov on December 7, 2017. “Accepted,” the guard replied, follows from the transcripts of telephone conversations and SMS messages of Abyzov available in the case.

Abyzov has been under arrest since March 2019. He was charged with creating a criminal community, especially large-scale fraud, as well as illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity and legalization of funds (articles 210, 159, 289 and 174.1 of the Criminal Code). According to investigators, in the spring of 2013, Sibenergostroy Abyzov's company sold Blacksiris Trading Limited, also controlled by Abyzov, to NESKO, Engineering Center, PRP and ESM in Cyprus. The deal amounted to 186 million rubles. After the transaction, the companies acquired offshore merged with the companies that Blacksiris established in 2012 - ACC, PRiS, PESK and REMiS. And already in December 2013, Blacksiris sold these structures to SIBEKO and RES companies belonging to Abyzov. The transaction amount - 4 billion rubles - according to the investigation was overpriced. This money was transferred to Blacksiris, and minority shareholders of SIBEKO and RES (citizens Rubtsov and Hakobyan, as well as FSUE Almazyuvelirexport Foreign Economic Association) suffered from the actions of the ex-minister, the investigation believes. The former minister himself does not admit guilt.