Internet-shop "" resumes trading


The check in "", conducted by tax specialists with the support of the FSB, so far only temporarily paralyzed the activity of the online store.

Duty-free purchases via the Internet will become impossible since 2020


Officials promise that then they will reduce the amount of duty.

Sberbank, Gazprombank and VTB are looking for a cave of treasures in Internet commerce


Online trading in Russia in five years, lost half of the largest players and slowed down the pace of growth. Sberbank, VTB and Gazprombank offered to give it a new impetus.

Online trading in Russia remains microscopic


The turnover of the Russian Internet retail market in 2017 exceeded 1 trillion rubles, but its growth rates remain low, and the share in total trade in Russia is only 3%.

The government will complicate purchases of Russians in foreign online stores


The Russian authorities continue their efforts to complicate purchases for the population in foreign online stores, whose volume has doubled in the past three years, and this year may exceed 400 billion rubles.