Yanukovych's purse stole the Forbes brand

Sergey Kurchenko, currently under sanctions, enjoys intellectual property despite the wish of its owners and American justice.
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Arbitration Court of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution in New York (International Center for Dispute Resolution - the Arbitration Tribunal) stood at Forbes the Media side and banned the Ukrainian company United Media Holdings (UMH) use of Forbes brand. This was told a representative of Forbes Media Mia Carbonell. According to her, on April 20 the court has made a final decision to ban the use of the company Kurchenko Forbes trademark in print, online or mobile applications. Editorial «Forbes Ukraine", according to the message on its official page on Facebook, aware of the decision of the court.

The decision to revoke the license agreement at the UMH, which allowed to publish Forbes in the Ukrainian language, made because of censorship and interference in editorial policy UMH that does not correspond to the basic principles of journalism, clarified Carbonell. According to the court, Forbes Media acted "wisely and nobly," to break the agreement. In the decision, the court refers to the infringement of UMH editorial principles prescribed in the license agreement, as well as the fact that «UMH failed to maintain the integrity and« Forbes Ukraine "editorial independence, says Carbonell.

In November of the same year, Ukrainian Forbes was in the center of the scandal - resigned 13 editorial staff. They complained about the censorship. Kotov himself called another reason: the journalists were against the merger of Editorial Board and its website, he said at the time he did. Kotov called the firing "history management" has no relation to the information policy of the journal. In September 2015 his term as chief editor was replaced by Evgeny Shpitko, of which the Ukrainian sites dedicated to media, called "one of the chicks chief editor of" Ukrainian Truth "Olena Prytula". Before discitation needed wings to create the "real economy", Evgeny almost 3.5 years (from May 2008 to October of 2011) was the chief editor of "Economic truth" ..

Forbes the Media has decided to revoke the license of the Ukrainian magazine in March 2014 representatives of the company felt that the Forbes brand association with businessman Kurchenko causing reputational damage to the company. In August, the US company announced that it is taking all the action for failure to use UMH Forbes brand. Then Forbes.ua site was blocked, but the UMH has launched a new - at forbes.net.ua. In addition, UMH has continued to produce and the magazine after the revocation of the license.

UMH and this time is going to ignore the court's decision. Revision «Forbes Ukraine" will continue to issue the publication of this brand, it said in a message posted on the «Forbes Ukraine" page to Facebook.

Editors publishes a magazine, following the highest standards of Forbes brand and strictly following the requirements of the license agreement, it said in a statement: "We believe, and considered unacceptable censorship and any interference in the editorial policy and assure their readers thatIt was completely impartial while performing his journalistic work. " According to the publishers «Forbes Ukraine", the decision of the New York court is politicized, as the final beneficiary of the UMH is under US sanctions.