Tymoshenko becomes the most powerful leader in the revolutionary Ukraine

The new Ukrainian government can be actually headed by Yulia Tymoshenko as she satisfied the most powerful forces both inside and outside Ukraine.
Almost immediately after the release of Yulia Tymoshenko has said that he will run for president of Ukraine. Election of the Verkhovna Rada appointed Saturday the same - 25 May. On the post of prime minister, Tymoshenko said, it does not apply.

Since Thursday, when Viktor Yanukovych has left Kiev, Verkhovna Rada majority vote to restore the constitution in 2004, released Tymoshenko ousted Yanukovych, elected its chairman and approved and. about. President's close ally Tymoshenko Alexander Turchinov, grant amnesty to protesters on Independence Square, took power ministers and appointed a new, abolished the law on bilingualism - but the prime minister, which was an important point signed with the participation of Yanukovych, Foreign Affairs, the opposition and the Ministers of France, Germany and Poland Agreement, could not approve. Turchinov has promised that it will happen on Tuesday.

Prime with Tymoshenko

The candidates for prime minister may become chairman of the faction "Fatherland" Yatsenyuk and businessman Petro Poroshenko, said political analyst Dmitry Ponamarchuk: post of Prime Minister on the constitution in 2004 oddscially gives much more power than the presidency. The presidency is likely to be run Vitali Klitschko or the same Poroshenko, but the position of the last weak - it does not have its own political force, finds Ponamarchuk.

Tomorrow in Kiev arrive Deputy UN Secretary General American Robert Seri, and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, they will have to present a candidate for prime minister, according to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada: Yatsenyuk seems preferable for the West, but it may be found a balance that all posts are not appeared in the "Fatherland."

Tymoshenko controls the party and faction, the largest in parliament, but the prime minister will be nominated by the coalition negotiations which are conducted, said the deputy of the "Fatherland" Andrei Senchenko.

The candidate for prime minister will be one - will vote for him all the forces in parliament, said the deputy of the party "Freedom" Andrei Mishchenko.

Rejection Tymoshenko leaves two obvious candidates for prime minister - Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, a political analyst Volodymyr Fesenko said, and informal "MaidanI coalition "in the Verkhovna Rada coalition compliance with the principle of distribution of posts and if the prime minister will Yatseniuk, his colleague in the party Turchynov will have to resign as chairman of the Verkhovna Rada. If Turchinov retain the post, the prime minister should be Poroshenko, he said. Fesenko agree with Ponamarchuk that Klitschko is likely to run for president, and suggests that the party "Blow" to receive posts in government. It is unlikely that Klitschko he would accept a government post, such post will likely leader of the "Freedom" Oleg Tyahnybok - chance to win the presidential election had not convinced Fesenko.

Abroad Tymoshenko already perceived as a leader in Ukraine - despite her lack of formal status. Yesterday, for example, German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on the phone with her for a meeting in the near future.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Alexei Mitrofanov said that Russia's leadership is well known in Moscow, Tymoshenko optimally, it is possible to agree on economic issues.

Turchynov personally betrayedTymoshenko and proved it, Yatsenyuk Tymoshenko joined the party later Turchinov, but in the foreseeable future between him and Tymoshenko is hardly possible conflict, say two deputies of the Verkhovna Rada.

Rada deputies did not fear that the leaders of the self-Maidan thwart an agreement on power-sharing. "Right sector" recognizes parliament as an organ of power - all that was required maidan, executed, says Senchenko. This is not a party but a cohesive, bright, but small organization, similar to the organization "Pora!", Became famous in 2004 - she became a political party, but no one did not win the election, reminds Ponamarchuk.

What will happen to the south and east

In the south and east of Ukraine, where there were strong position of the Party of Regions, which nominated Yanukovych, and where Yanukovych hiding, there is every chance to avoid serious clashes. According to the manager of the large industrial companies Zaporozhye region, representatives of the local maidan yesterday went to the regional parliament and the administration and demanded the resignation of their leaders, then with the participation of local elites began to discuss the question of which one of the few(Four) local opposition deputies should be appointed Speaker of the Regional Council. The local elite hopes that after local opposition will be selected candidate for the new governor, who will offer to Kiev in order to avoid the appointment of the revolutionary "Commissioner".

In Kharkov, where on Saturday met Congress of Deputies of the south-eastern regions of the separatist claims may sound, he says there was present a member of the Federation Council Mikhail Margelov: MPs opposed the hyper-centralization of power, budget and decision-making process, but they were for a single democratic Ukraine. According to him, about any support, except moral, from Russian speech in Kharkov not gone.

Ukraine and money

Ukraine - in preddefoltnom state: in 2014 she had to pay off $ 8 billion in 2015 - an additional $ 9 billion to Cope on its own it is unlikely to succeed, according to Dmitry Polevoy from ING..

Due to the deterioration of the situation on foreign markets in 2013, Ukraine's economy has remained stagnant, foreign exchange reserves have fallen significantly (to a minimum in 2006 - $ 17.8 billion), the Bank says, and the hryvnia to the dollaru fell by 8% since the beginning of the year. The economy did not achieve the level of 2008, investment fell in 2013, and increase of salaries in the public sector has increased the budget deficit to 5% of GDP.

If Ukraine is to ask for help, the IMF is ready to take action, said IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde. EU Ukraine will offer significant financial support, the amount is estimated, promised Commissioner Olli Rehn.

"We'll wait with the purchase of Eurobonds [Ukraine], while in the country there will be a new government," - Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said.

The main requirement of the IMF to Ukraine before were economic and political reforms: the fund was ready to allocate funding in exchange for conversion, so Kiev and was forced to turn to Moscow. Yanukovych is expected to save the economy from collapse in the Russian money, but events have changed the configuration, summarize analysts Economist Intelligence Unit.