Yanukovych makes himself at home in St. Petersburg

Alexander Yanukovych, son of the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, intends to develop his business in St. Petersburg.
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Own company in St. Petersburg, "Arsenal-Invest", he has already created - in May this year. In the future, preparing to engage in construction. However, until that its work is not known. Moreover, the company abandoned the original plans of recruitment.

Alexander Yanukovych, the eldest son of Viktor Yanukovych, he moved to Russia in February of this year. However, now only gave his first media interview in absentia. "I decided to start a business in Russia by opening a company in St. Petersburg. This will give the job my staff, some of whom turned out to be here. Now we are in the search for long-term projects ", - the businessman said in an interview in absentia" Novaya Gazeta ". According to him, the main goal - to keep the existing business in the Ukraine, but also to ensure the work of the staff have to emigrate. So he plans to work on their main profile - in the construction industry.

The first Russian company Alexander Yanukovych "Arsenal-Invest" was registered in St. Petersburg in May, 2014. The entrepreneur owns it 100% tos. The company rents space at the plant "Arsenal" in the Sverdlovsk embankment, although it has no relation to it. According to the founding documents, it is specialized in the management of financial-industrial groups and holding companies, crude oil, gas and fuel trade and agricultural, construction and consulting. In addition, the company "Arsenal-Invest" has a "daughter" - it owns 99% shares of LLC "Arsenal-Estate", recorded in June this year. The organization should be to conduct real estate transactions and engage in construction.

These areas of work overlap with the business of Alexander Yanukovich in the Donbass. Holding "IACS" registered in Donetsk, is engaged in construction and management of office and hotel real estate, coal trade and industrial equipment, production of wines in Artemovsk, and has operations in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

General Director of both companies - Alla Davydova. In addition, she leads the workshop "Mezhov". Studio registered in the same place and 'Arsenal Easteyt "- at the Komsomol, 1-3. It is engaged in the creation of copyright collectible swords, as well as the sale of antique weapons. In turn, Yanukovych know about Alexander is that he collects military objects, in particular, binoculars and old navigation equipment.

However, the studio is completely unrelated to the "Arsenal Invest" and Alexander Yanukovich, said "Fontanka" the founder of the studio Sergey Mezhov. Nevertheless, he was aware of the work "Arsenal Invest". And he reported that a scheduled recruitment suspended because of the crisis. Although commercial designs still being developed. Which, he declined to specify. With the most Alla Davydova could not be reached.

The fact that the company does not conduct recruitment, support and attendance of staff recruitment market. Ads published only Rabota.ru site. "Company" Arsenal Estate "- this is the new direction of the Moscow company" Arsenal Invest ", in the scope of which is to work in the field of real estate and consulting. Currently, the company "Arsenal Estate & raquo; actively forms its staff and attracts customers ", - said on its website. However, no specific vacancies.

Learn what will the company Alexander Yanukovych, failed and the St. Petersburg real estate market. For all who to call "Fontanka", the information provided to the news. Moreover, the news interviewees reacted with laughter. However, despite the stagnation of the economy, starting a new business in St. Petersburg can be successful, experts believe.

Most of the companies operating in the market of St. Petersburg real estate, - regional. However, from time to time out of Moscow and foreign players on it. It launched a Moscow company "SU-155" In 2000, the active construction of economy-class housing. In 2011, the "Macrocosm" assets of the bankrupt holding company acquired the Fort Group, associated with the management of "Gazprom". Now it is one of the largest owners of commercial real estate in the city.

In Petersburg came out and Viktor Vekselberg corporation "Renova". The company had to abandon development plans reclamation & laquo; Marine Facade "on Vasilevsky Island, but this year a member of GK Holding" Kortros "acquired land of the former factory" Samson. " The project is developed in the northern capital "Inteko" Michael Shishkhanov. In addition, traditionally in St. Petersburg a lot of Scandinavian players. Although their share is still insignificant.

Alexander Yanukovych is on the list of 100 richest people in Ukraine, and "IACS" group - the 200 largest companies in the country. However, according to Forbes, the last year the state Yanukovych Jr. has dropped significantly. In November 2013, it was estimated at 510 million dollars. Today, according to the publication, it already accounts for 78 million dollars. Sam Alexander Yanukovych in an interview with "Novaya Gazeta" said the 12 million dollars held in accounts in Switzerland and the Netherlands. In June of this year, Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case on the fact of abuse by officials of the "IACS" companies. Earlier, Ukraine's Security Service announced Alexander Yanukovych wanted.