Incriminating evidence found at Yanukovich's residence

Documents on bribery, embezzlement and expenses on special apartments were found near the berth in Mezhigorie 
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At the residence of Victor Yanukovych's "Mezhyhiria" near Kiev, in which, after the resignation of the president of Ukraine can get anyone, we found documents about bribes, embezzlement and expenditure spetskvartiry. The papers were found in the water near the pier.

According to TSN , some of the documents initially tried to burn, but then was thrown into the water. The papers contain information about the construction of the residence costs, including listed "a bribe for the tender" in the amount of 32 thousand. 580 UAH (about 130 thousand. Rubles).

Among the expenditures in the budget are also listed 6 th. UAH (about 24 thousand. Rub.) For the maintenance of dogs, 4 thousand. 500 UAH (about 18 thousand. Rub.) On food for birds and animals and 85 thousand. 280 UAH (about 340 thous. rub.) for information signs for dogs. In addition, there are documents on the costs at the residence of Yanukovich "Suholuche": on one of the objects - "Territory Acacia" - had spent more than 11 million USD (about 44 million).

Furthermore, according toi-chernuyu-buhgalteriyu-yanukovicha- spetskvartiryi-i-vzyatki-na-tenderah.html "target =" _ blank "> UNIAN correspondent, among the documents have information about additional payment to employees of traffic police (traffic police) in dollars and costs spetskvartiry.

On the eve of the Verkhovna Rada voted for the removal of Viktor Yanukovych from power . The decision was supported by 328 MPs. At the same time, Yanukovych himself has not recognized the decision Rada. "The President does not recognize the decision of the Verkhovna Rada and considers it illegal Total midday he is on a working visit to Kharkiv, which was construed as disengagement.", - Said Yanukovych adviser Hanna Herman.

After that, it was reported that Yanukovich flew to Russia. State Advisor to the head of Anna Herman this information denied . "No, he is in Ukraine, and will not leave Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych will go around the south-eastern regions, to hold meetings, to talk to people he did not leave for Russia It's just a fairy tale..." - She explained.

Later, the assistant chairman of the State Border Service, Sergei AcTachov said that Yanukovych was trying to leave the country on a charter flight from Donetsk airport, but was stopped by guards. After that, the president went on an armored car to the airfield.