What happened to Viktor Yanukovych

The Federal Migration Service refused to talk about the fate of the ex-president of Ukraine.
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What happened to Viktor Yanukovych? The authorities are not in search of help: FMS said Znak.com, that questions about whether he has a temporary registration is now on whether it is in Russia and filed a petition for political asylum, can not answer - it is personal data protected by law.

Znak.som sent to the Russian Federal Migration Service request to clarify whether the ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to Russia, and if so - in what status. The fact is that as a citizen of Ukraine, he could be in Russia without registration only up to 90 days, and after the famous press conference in Rostov-on-Don has passed six months.

It was found that the FMS can not tell whether Yanukovych appealed to the immigration authorities to grant political asylum or any other status.

"This information is personal data that we can not provide a third party. Do you own Yanukovych will tell you this, "- said Znak.com FMS. By personal data, according to the law, it refers address of the person. In our inquiries please give the exact address of the ex-presidentUkraine was not, but a question of political asylum does not formally apply to personal data.

At the same time in Ukraine itself to the Yanukovych family, new claims. Security Service of Ukraine announced that it opened a criminal financial scheme for the conclusion in the shadow turnover of tens of millions of hryvnia. This is stated in the message department.

At the end of 2013 in Sumy was created by three private companies, registered in the two Russian citizens. Details of these companies are used for the decoration of a dummy activity with enterprises of Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kharkov, Zaporozhye regions and the Crimea. "Implementation of the tens of millions of hryvnia transactions conducted through financial institutions associated with Alexander Yanukovych (son of ex-president - Ed.). And his entourage," - says the SBU.

According to experts, it is detrimental to the state budget amounting to more than 64 million hryvnia.

Started criminal proceedings on the grounds of an offense under Part. 2 tbsp. 205 (a fictitious enterprise that prIchin major material damage to the state) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Recall, Viktor Yanukovych was elected president of Ukraine in 2010. In the fall of 2013 in Kiev began worrying about the delay in the signing of agreements on Ukraine's European integration. The subsequent dispersal of the rally and the radicalization of the protest led to mass unrest, which resulted in Yanukovych fled the country. February 22, 2014 the Verkhovna Rada declared in his ruling that Viktor Yanukovych "withdrew from the execution of the constitutional powers." While in Russia, which disputes the legitimacy of his removal from power, Yanukovych has repeatedly publicly declared itself as the current president of Ukraine. February 28 Yanukovych held a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, this was his last public appearance. Since then, nothing about it is not audible. Only a politician Oleg Mitvol reported that he had seen him in the territory of one of the elite villages in the Moscow region.