Who emptied BaykalBank

Federal news channel said in mid-August 2016, that BaykalBank's capital reached a negative level. At the beginning of the year the bank's own capital, according to official statements in the public domain, was more than half a billion rubles. In mid-August, however, the bank's license was revoked.
Origin source
For ordinary depositors decision was like a thunderbolt: the clouds go, but still hoping that will carry. Not had passed. Experts and analysts have speculated that the withdrawal of the license is already inevitable. The new head of the bank had only state losses and counting, in that they resulted in the end for the bank, which was the backbone of the region, one of the main payers of salaries and pension accruals for many people.

Trust Bank of Russia was provided when in the beginning of the "Crimean Spring", in spite of the difficult conditions in the unstable financial situation, JSC "BaykalBank" opened several of its branches, taking risks in the protection and in order to strengthen the country's image.

Strange words, unpleasant motives

What caused distrust of the financial situation of the bank, if the claims to conduct suspicious transactions were not, if by the head of the Central Bank received the head of the republic in July assurances that no claims against the bank. The main reason for withdrawal of the license - it is the consequences caused by "capital loss", as formulated in the order Elvira Nabiullioh. The new management has already pointed out, that the bank's accounts is enough money to cover all the claims of depositors. But, nevertheless, the decision was not to his advantage.

It is incomprehensible actions follow before the withdrawal of the license by the regulator. In the spring, disconnected from the system of information exchange in electronic form, a bank inadvertently caused the unrest of thousands of people, and started a real hurricane of hype and the withdrawal of money from accounts in the country. Then again returned to the bank the opportunity to work, but not because he planned any activities for the improvement of the bank, and only then, after a short time to deprive him of his license.

Strange transaction in the bank and Vadim Yegorov

CB did not find a bank suspicious transactions to revoke the license, but the new leader immediately saw when he came to the place of Vadim Yegorov, in parallel with the withdrawal of liquid assets in the bank's accounts reflected a bill of dubious merits of the bank, which has already been selected license. It was quite clear that the bill does not provided and paid for the property of the company & laquo; Credo ", which is supposedly the owner of the leased premises in the Crimea.

Egorov could not have been unaware that the real owner of the premises at all conveyed without having to collect rent, and besides, did not give any powers to third parties on the right to dispose of his property. Moreover, when shareholders began to analyze the details of the transaction, they found an agreement, which is the basis for the sale of premises company "Credo." But the property did not belong to her, as Yegorov could not know. The owner confirmed that no one was selling premises belonging to him.

The nature of the transaction, intricate traces of which were known Central Bank, to arouse suspicion, since bills worth more than 600 million. Rubles disappeared from the accounts. Because he asked the bank's credit additionally reserve to provide assets.

The large-scale revision

Check, which exposed the bank the new leadership, and that was in the interests of shareholders, has revealed new facts. So, there were plain withdrawal of funds through credit schemes nominees. People who have worked for a normal salary, suddenly issuedloans for large sums. In 2015, these customers. As an ordinary teacher of high school or warehouse worker going to give loans to millions? The search for documents led to dummy contracts. Loan documents were simply copied from unpretentious file from the phone or purchase of household appliances. Consumables warrants for lending absent. Who, except Yegorova could hold such a scam?

All loans assumed purchase of apartments, but none of them have not been acquired. It is noteworthy that for the sake of appearances, according to some contractual obligations were made one-time payment "interest" to hide the true nature of transactions. It became clear that Egorov no longer count on the continuation of the bank and deliberately did everything possible to leave the seat with the maximum benefit for themselves. False loans were given with one goal: to bring funds to firms directly controlled by Egorov - "Billing Center". It is not just flicker and other schemes.

Billing Center

The company was founded by one person - Mikhailov Zorikto Tarasovichm, which then became the number and CEO. This broken husband of one of the workers of the bank, which felt the effects of his "activities", rushed to the police and describe their business details. Explaining the essence of the bank's problems do not understand anything and Mikhailov, using words such as "adjustment allowance", "common practice", "efficiency indicators" and other Yegorov convinced of its necessity of firm creation and assured that the problem will not be.

Detail Mikhailov could not remember what documents he signed, but the amount in the tens of millions of it, of course, impressed. They remembered it. Shortly before his retirement, Egorov "bought" share Mikhailov. Last hurried a statement to law enforcement authorities, since his wife is likely to lucidly explained to him what a "fraudulent scheme".

In April of this year through the "Billing Center" issued a credit account to which the bank had been transferred considerable sum - 270 million rubles. They were to be supported by a guarantee - Landsextensible property, with its registration in Rosreestra. Register, of course, it was canceled as soon as the money was in the accounts of front companies.

non-performing loans

Why reinvent a new, probably think Egorov, giving an indication of the end of 2015 to issue the credit Vdovin, who "has made" in the Amur region, where he founded the "Asian-Pacific Bank". Giving him 240 million, Egorov could not know that soon there will be problems in its own bank and, of course, knew that the credit will be irrevocable. Instead, he relied on sanitation by the "partner". When the light began to appear the history of the ruin of the bank, followed by a review of the license.

Why did not the regulator wanted to help restore the bank's shareholders to work after Egorova fraud?