National development company caught for fraud on the stock exchange

The Central Bank discovered fraud on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, which was made with the papers of the National Development Company (NDC). Under suspicion The managers of Eltra and NDC companies, Alex Ohremenko and Alexander Dubinin, are under suspicion. 
The controller was able to identify "systemic fraud" at the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, in particular, with the shares of the National Development Company (NDC) from 23 March to 22 June 2015. Recall that a month ago Ohremenko deprived of qualification certificate for the manipulation of shares in the company "Live Office" on the Moscow Stock Exchange. The company "Eltra", which in both cases was a market maker (agency broker / dealer), lost the broker and dealer licenses.

Then shares of the supplier of office supplies "Live Office" manipulated from January 2014 to January 2015. The company has sold over 516 million rubles. nearly 4 million shares, the main buyers become associated with her "Surf" LLC, "Modern" and "Peak" knitted with the "Living Office"! Transactions with shares of NIR to unnamed buyers on the basis of power of attorney in an anonymous trading mode, according to the Central Bank, committed by the St. Petersburg investment company "Eltra" Alex Ohremenko!

Transactions fully formed market shares on the stock exchange NDA that with virtually no other participants and led to a significant deviation of the price. Note that in the list of shareholders of the NAC "Yuzhural ASKO" Russian forest Reinsurance Company and "Regard insurance" (license revoked in January), "Vnesheconomstroy" (license revoked in May), SC "Anchor" and the bank "Metropol" .

CIT was founded in 2011, and in 2015 she placed 1,640,000 shares with par value of 1,000 rubles. on the exchange. Its shares are really in demand by insurance companies - it has invested about 20 companies say the two market participant. NIR cost about 1.5 billion rubles.

NIR is on the run?

It should be noted that the NIR lot of land and it was not long, but there were suspicions that its shares have been actively buying medium-sized insurance companies and banks from the second-third the hundreds. April 22 the company posted a five-year bonds at 2 billion rubles. According to its issuance documents, upon completion of land management activities and activities cadastral value of land NIR reach 38 billion rubles., Holiday villages are located on the territory of more than 2,000 hectares in the Moscow region.
Doubtful office bought shares NDA to "draw yourself assets", - said the expert. This allows for the rating, but after the downgrade (RAEX ​​Agency), this practice stopped.

RAEX for the year twice downgraded the NDA, and in September he withdrew! Interestingly, the structure of the NIR owners in 2014 has changed several times as a result of stock sales mainly to insurance companies. "Holders of the first issue of bonds were banks, which are impossible to assess the creditworthiness of high: the ratings of some of them were downgraded and withdrawn over the past six months, of the license was revoked," - said RAEX.


Recall that in March this year acquired a controlling stake Ruskobanka owners of the National Development Company. April 21 in the list of persons under the control or significant influence of which the bank is located, there were LLC "N-Invest" Alexander Stakheyeva (owns 9.75%), Alexander Dubinin (9.75%), Chairman of the Board of PJSC NIR) Ltd. "Resource M "Alexander Maximov (9%), JSC" Vekservis "Alexander Balashov, Ltd." Finance capital "Sergei Valnova and PJSC" National development company "(NDC, 9%). Also Dubinin owners of CIT were then Stakheev, Balashov, rampart and Maksimov.

Mr. Dubinin person involved in the scandal, and to the territory Hotkovskogo convent, located on 10 ha "Mar'insky land." What characterizes the entrepreneur.
Note that earlier belonged Ruskobank odious machination Alexander Gitelson. "Stumbled" on "Ruskobanka" crisis In August 2015 the Central Bank, who brought to the market, "SB-Bank". The fact that the financial institution has recently been named defendants in lawsuits DIA, which is the bankruptcy trustee bankrotyaschegosya "SB-Bank" in the amount of about 500 million rubles.

We emphasize DIA contested almost all the pre-bankruptcy transactions. All the nuances of the requirements have not been disclosed. The participants of the banking sector say that they can emerge dubious financial transactions Muradova and Alexander Gitelson, in absentia, sentenced to 5 years in prison. "In the interest of legal proceedings, which are conducted with the SB-bank debtors, DIA does not disclose information relating to the process. Additional comment possible after court decisions ", - reported the press service of the DIA.

The "Ruskobanka" have problems because of the close relations to control it with the owner Khachatur Muradov "SB-Bank." Finance has been a major client of "SB-bank 'than, apparently, was due to the activity of Ruskobanka in relations with" SB-Bank ", which has now resulted in lawsuits by DIA. Muradov was going for loans in "SB-bank" to transfer its stake in "Ruskobanke", but the deal broke in the Central Bank - in the face of separation of the Leningrad region, which in the conditions, looming over the key risks of the bank in the region, to further control the situation in manual mode.

Now, NIR sold Russkobank JSC "Poultry Sinyavinskaya" and JSC "Volkhovsky feed mill" Nikita Melnikov (18%). Melnikov - a member of the regional political council of "United Russia", and, until recently, a member of parliament and a member of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries of. But most importantly, Melnikov is considered ally of Governor Alexander Drozdenko!

In June this year Ruskobank lost license, Leningrad Region has failed to sell its stake, and Melnikov close to Drozdenko, got rid of the asset ... against former first deputy director Ruskobanka criminal case under the article on abuse of power. According to investigators, he was from 2013 to 2015 in violation of the requirements and administrative documents without the knowledge of the bank signed two agreements to the legal entity of lending agreements. instead: fakticheki 180 million rubles were gone. The final recipients of loans could be at Melnikova structure and NIR. Now employees of the Central Bank Ohremenko suspected of manipulating the stock market. Soon, law enforcement agencies will be involved. If fraud Ohremenko confirmed, through his security forces will be able to enter the Dubinin, Melnikov, and even the governor Drozdenko.