Footballers Kokorin and Mamayev beat Pak from the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Moscow

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev became parties to the conflict in a Moscow restaurant. Footballers beat Denis Pak, director of the automotive industry and railway engineering department at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and now they are facing criminal charges.
Origin source
On the morning of October 8, football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev arrived in Moscow to celebrate the tenth anniversary of friendship. About nine o'clock in the morning they went to a coffee shop in the center of Moscow. According to the description of the visitors of the establishment, they appeared accompanied by a company of several people and behaved noisily. A conflict arose between the players and the men sitting at the next table.

Their victim was an official from the Ministry of Industry and Trade

The injured turned out to be Denis Pak, director of the automotive industry and railway engineering department at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. According to some information, Sergey Gaysin, Director of the Central Research Automobile and Automobile Institute (FGUP “NAMI”) was with him.

During the conflict, football players insulted Pak on a national basis. The video from surveillance cameras shows that at some point Kokorin grabbed a chair and hit them on the head of an official from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Despite the fact that Kokorin was in the hood, his face is clearly visible on the record. After hitting Pak, the football player with a smile moved to his table. The Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed to “Kommersant” information that after the incident, Pak and Gysin were taken to hospital and recorded a beating. However, the deputy director of FSUE “NAMI” Andrei Garmay, in a comment to the TV channel “Zvezda”, stated that everything is in order with its head. “With our CEO everything is fine. I saw him about ten minutes ago, he held a meeting, ”said Garmay.

Police have already opened a criminal case

The police opened a criminal case, without specifying the specific suspects. “As it was established by the police officers, a conflict occurred between a citizen and two young people, as a result of which a man was struck several times. At present, a complex of operational investigative activities and investigative actions aimed at solving this crime has been organized, ”the press service of the Moscow Central Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. The case was opened under Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Beating”). The maximum possible punishment for this article is two years ’imprisonment. The police are planning to take notes from the institution’s surveillance cameras.

"Zenit" and "Krasnodar" refused to comment on the situation

Journalist Vasily Konov said that the clubs that Kokorin and Mamayev are playing for will solve the issue “at the highest level”. At the same time, Krasnodar, in which Pavel plays, refused to comment on the situation. “There will be no statements from the football club“ Krasnodar ”. Football players have a weekend. We cannot say who is where. We were not there, the club did not participate in this. We do not know what and how it was. It is difficult to comment on anything. I cannot tell you anything about possible sanctions, because neither me nor my colleagues have any reliable information. This is a personal football player, ”quotes the spokesperson for the club’s Metro newspaper. The Vice-President of the Russian Football Union, Sergei Anokhin, also noted that sanctions could not be applied to Kokorin and Mamayev, because at the moment they are not players of the national team. “The contracts of the national team players and the RFU provide for very tough sanctions if the regime is violated and the image of football is damaged. Kokorin and Mamaev are not in the national team, and now they have nothing to do with it. Our team is preparing for the next matches with Sweden and Turkey in a healthy atmosphere. I can not imagine that the people who gave us a holiday at the World Championships would allow themselves that way, ”said Anokhin.

Football players are not the first time together in the center of the scandal

In 2016, Kokorin and Mamaev had a party in Monaco after failing at the European Championship. Then a video appeared on the network, which showed how Kokorin and Mamayev smoked a hookah under the Russian national anthem at a club in Monaco. The video also got the waiters, who carried out hundreds of bottles of champagne, decorated with sparklers. All this happened after the failure of the Russian team at the European Championships in France. Kokorin and Mamaev were part of a team that failed to leave the group, losing two out of three games. Then the players were forced to make a public apology. Mamaev has not played for the national team since that moment, Kokorin returned to the team, but missed the home world championship due to injury.