Valery Masyutin jumped out of the "Russian Seasons" without loss

The criminal case against the ex-manager of the hotel in the Olympic Park was terminated.
In Sochi, the police stopped the prosecution of Vladimir Masyutin, the former director of Russian Seasons LLC, who was accused of deliberate bankruptcy of the company that ran the eponymous five-star hotel in the Olympic Park. The investigation concluded that Mr. Masyutin was not involved in illegal financial schemes, because of which the Russian Seasons creditors lost about 40 million rubles. Now the hotel is managed by Seasons, affiliated with the owner of the object, Moscow LLC Sevstroyinvest.

The Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Sochi stopped the criminal case against Vladimir Masyutin, who from September 2012 to June 2014 headed the Russian Seasons LLC, the ex-top manager was accused of intentional bankruptcy of the company, a copy of the decision is available in the editorial office.

The Russian Seasons company managed a five-star hotel of the same name (the hotel’s owner is Moscow’s Sevstroyinvest LLC) for 200 rooms in Sochi’s Olympic Park, where sponsors and games organizing committee chairman lived during the Olympics. Vladimir Masyutin explained to “Kommersant” that immediately after the games, the management of Sevstroyinvest suggested that he should bankrupt the Russian Seasons LLC in order not to pay suppliers of goods and services. According to the top manager, he refused to participate in the illegal scheme and resigned, and his successor, Smbat Vartikian, announced the liquidation of the “Russian Seasons”.

The company was declared bankrupt in December 2014. In the course of bankruptcy in the registry of creditors, in addition to debts to suppliers, the debt of the Russian Seasons to the founder, OOO Sevstroyinvest, was established at 169 million rubles. According to Vladimir Masyutin, these funds were raised as a loan for urgent completion and completion of the hotel, which was not ready for the Olympics: the waterproofing of the hotel’s roof continued, air-conditioning systems and fire safety did not work, and parking was not available.

The Russian Seasons Competition Manager, Alexander Belyaev, considered that Vladimir Masyutin’s actions to raise funds from Sevstroyinvest were not economically viable and led to the insolvency of the management company. Based on the conclusion of the bankruptcy trustee in 2015, the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are the causative agents against Vladimir Masyutin of the case of the intentional bankruptcy of the “Russian Seasons”.
The case was returned twice for further investigation from the Sochi Adler Court, and was eventually terminated due to the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of Mr. Masyutin. The investigation concluded that Sevstroyinvest LLC made a redistribution of assets in its own interests, using a group of companies (Russian Seasons LLC, Sezony Management Company LLC). Now the bankruptcy procedure of the “Russian Seasons” has been completed, the total debt amounted to 209 million rubles, of which debts to suppliers are 40 million rubles. It was not possible to repay these amounts due to the lack of assets of the debtor.

The company "Horeka Trade S", recognized as a victim, intends to seek the continuation of the investigation to identify those responsible for causing losses to the suppliers of "Russian Seasons". The Russian Seasons Hotel is under the management of a new operator, Seasons CC, affiliated with Sevstroyinvest. The commentary of Sevstroyinvest failed to get a comment - the phone listed on its website turned out to be inactive.