Ex-owner of Snoras, Vladimir Antonov, demands 40 billion rubles from Lithuania

He's possibly trying to fend off extradition that way. 
Former co-owner of the Lithuanian bank Snoras, Vladimir Antonov filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Justice of Lithuania, an application was made to the production of the Arbitration Court of Moscow. He wants to collect from Lithuania more than 40 billion rubles, follows from the materials of the court:. 20.2 billion rubles. for property damage, and 19.9 billion rubles. compensation for the harm caused to the business reputation. Antonov asked the Moscow Arbitration Court to recognize the untrue words of the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite.

Snoras was forcibly nationalized in 2011. According to the Bank of Lithuania, he falsified accounts, and ignored calls to reduce the risks. The regulator has missed about 60% of the bank's assets ($ 1.42 billion), said at the end of November 2011 the chairman of the Bank of Lithuania Vitas Vasiliauskas.

After the nationalization Grybauskaite said that "Snoras activity can be regarded as an attack not only on the banking system of Lithuania, but also in the interests of the Lithuanian society," wrote Baltic Delfi portal in November 2011

Residence permit does not solve anything

"This case proves that there is no place either Lithuanian or any other future in LithuaniaGIM financial speculators and manipulators ", - said Grybauskaite, adding that Snoras even difficult to call a Lithuanian bank. "68% of the shares owned by a citizen of Russia. The bank actually belongs only to two persons, and that they manage. Finding the bank in Lithuania in general looks interesting ", - concluded Grybauskaitė (for Delfi.ee quotes).

Antonov is trying in court to refute including these words.
Antonov, who owned over Convers Group 68,1% of shares, and Raymond Baranauskas, who owned 25.3% of the bank's capital, have been detained in the UK issued a warrant for the arrest of Lithuania, but the next day released by the court of Westminster Magistrate in London. The day after the nationalization of the Latvian "daughter» Snoras - Latvijas Krajbanka received CB injunction to suspend all operations, and later chairman of the Bank of Latvia Ilmars Rimsevics said that the bank's condition does not allow him to resume work - loss was approximately $ 200 million Latvijas Krajbanka was also nationalized..

In Lithuania, the Antonov and Baranauskas were accused of embezzling funds Snoras to 565 million euros, and theykriminiruetsya "appropriation of property on a large scale, forgery, keeping black and accounting malpractice." In January 2014 the court allowed the British to extradite both at the request of Vilnius. Bloomberg citing attorneys Russians reported in July 2015 that the Antonov after the decision to extradite him from the UK at the request of Lithuania disappeared in Russia.

Antonov declined to discuss the substance of his claim. "Under the property damage it refers to the expropriation of 68% of Snoras, owned by Antonov. International company, attracted as an appraiser, considered that the cost of these shares was as stated in the lawsuit in the end ", - says lawyer Sergei Antonov Mirzoyev. The name of the appraiser, he declined to specify. Snoras Capital before nationalization was 143 million euros, or 5.99 billion rubles. - Respectively the euro in November 2011. Thus, even taking into account the devaluation of the damage Antonov could hardly reach 20 billion rubles.

According to Mirzoyev, Antonov is under criminal prosecution on the territory of the EU and has virtually no opportunity priehbe anywhere except Russia. But from 2016 have the opportunity to hear actions against other states in a Russian court, he explains the emergence of the claim to the court in Lithuania Russian jurisdiction.

Since January 2016 there is indeed a possibility, confirmed partner Tertychny Law Ivan Tertychnyi. If Lithuania ever arrested by anything in Russia, such as state ownership, and Russia was disagrees, the Russian courts may limit the jurisdictional immunity of the Republic and to start a lawsuit against it, he explains. According to him, the question of the presence or absence of such immunity is achieved at the stage of the preliminary hearing. Preliminary hearings will be held on 22 September.

At the Antonov suit asked the court for interim measures, and the court accepted, prohibiting bodies Rosreestra registration actions with 16 non-residential buildings in Moscow and the region, as well as other real estate owned Snoras.

"It is very unusual lawsuit and unusual security requirement," - said partner "Iontsev, Lyakhov and Partners" Igor Dubov. It is doubtful that the court willon the merits of his considered and property in question, is not associated with the suit, he said. "Perhaps Antonov wants to disavow any requests from the Lithuanian authorities for his extradition," - he believes. Perhaps, the plaintiff would like to refer to a civil dispute that Lithuania is not trying to solve the civil law process, and criminal, t. E. To extradite him, says partner Herbert Smith Freehills Alexei Panich.

The Ministry of Justice of Lithuania yesterday to the request of "Sheets" have not responded.