UCP Foundation Ilya ShCherbovicha owning 48% "in contact", said the filing of claims against the founder of the social network Pavel Durov and the second shareholder of the company - Mail.ru Group. The main claim of the UCP - a violation of his rights as a shareholder "in contact" due to the fact that Durov, as CEO of the company, at the same time developed its own project - messenger Telegram. The Fund requires Telegram was handed over "in contact". Sue UCP going to the British Virgin Islands (there is registered owner of "in contact" and VK.com company Mail.ru Group). Claims filed in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and the High Court of the Virgin Islands, said the representative of the UCP.
At the same time Durov on his page on the social network reported that Bullion Development Limited (an offshore company owned by Mail.ru Group) filed a lawsuit against the UCP in the London arbitration. On balance Bullion 11.99% are "in contact". Until March of this year Bullion belonged CEO "MegaFon» Ivan Tavrin. He sold it to Mail.ru Group, whose share in the "in contact" increased to 51.99%. Bullion requires to invalidate the deal on acquisition of 48% of the fund UCP "in contact" at the Partnachjers Durov - Vyacheslav Mirilashvili and Lev Leviev. "We regret the passing of the proceedings in the legal plane, since it is always extremely counterproductive for the online business, - said in a statement Mail.ru Group. - Company expresses support Pavel Durov and decided to support the claim, which has been prepared by Pavel Durov during his tenure "in contact" shares through the company Bullion Development Limited. Our main task is not to hurt the product loved by many "in contact".
Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai (MTProto developed a protocol for the Telegram) were directly involved in the development Telegram, although working in the "in contact", follows from the UCP message. Thus, Pavel Durov, according to the UCP, breached its fiduciary duties (in the UK right under this can mean, in particular, the duty of the director to act in the interests of the company and to avoid conflicts of interest).
"We pay tribute to the talents of Pavel Durov. And we agree that the founder and head of a company such as "in contact", many things are forgivable. But only as long as they are sereznym way violate the interests of shareholders ", - said the President of UCP Ilya Scherbovich. According to him, the real story of what happened in the "in contact" in the last 18 months, carefully masked and hide it. "Facts and Details - in our claim" Scherbovich emphasizes that the UCP no complaints about other employees "in contact".
UCP believes Telegram - is part of the "in contact". Therefore, the fund bought the three companies that control certain aspects of the Telegram of business in order to convey these companies "in contact," the UCP press-release. Details of the deal were not disclosed. But the "Vedomosti" managed to find out that we are talking about companies Telegram LLC, Digital Fortress and Pictograph. According to a source close to shareholders "in contact", these legal entities, registered in the United States, were purchased from partner Durov - Axel Neff, previously in charge of international business "in contact". Neff himself the question, "Vedomosti" has not yet responded.
«UCP fraudulently gained access to American companies that own trademarks and Telegram Telegraph on tertory US - said "Vedomosti" Durov. - All the infrastructure, technology and the project team is under our control with his brother in companies outside the US, so the worst consequence of this raider capture is that the project will have to change its name to the United States. " He also said that Digital Fortress, which was acquired by the UCP, a "layer" and a real "parent" company Digital Fortress registered in Panama. To whom it is registered, Durov did not specify. "Axel Neff on my behalf engaged in translation of these US companies and their brands in the non-profit organization Telegram - it has irrefutable documentary evidence, including a letter of Axel me where he argues that addressing this issue. However, instead of fulfilling its obligations in front of me and Nicholas, he secretly sold the company the Fund. We will defend our rights in the near future, as all signs of fraud ", - said Durov.