Why Pavel Durov displays Telegram on ICO

Unlike Russian citizens enjoying the long New Year holidays, crypto traders, investors and crypto-instruments all over the world have kept their nose to the wind for the past ten days. What interesting happened in the cryptomir, while we ate Olivier on vacation.
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A trillion dollars is close. The total capitalization of the crypto currency market January 4-6 broke through the bar at $ 800 billion. In just three days, the total volume of market capitalization of the Crypto-currency increased by $ 100 billion! It is interesting that during the first week of 2018 all leading crypto-currencies showed extraordinary growth.

What metamorphosis has undergone the rating of the main coins? First, Ripple came in second place in terms of capitalization, temporarily shifting firmly to the second position Ethereum. On January 4, the capitalization of Ripple reached $ 147 billion, accounting for more than half of the bitcoin share. The price of Ripple jumped from a mark of 25 cents to $ 3.80 - with a price increase of almost 1300% per month, the pumpkin literally turned into a coach.

The creators of Ripple woke up with billionaires. Co-founder Chris Larsen, who owns 5.19 billion XRP tokens, became richer overnight than Mark Zuckerberg and Sergey Brin, becoming the owner of a fortune of $ 59.9 billion.

On this fabulous background, Ethereum managed to reach a new high - $ 1,260 per coin. There were no obvious reasons for this in the period after the New Year - it is most likely the inertia from the nuclear spread of applications based on the smart contract Ethereum like CryptoKitties, as well as the actions of developers in the last months of 2017.

Exchanges limited registration. The flow of newly emerged crypto-enthusiasts at the end of last year forced the main exchanges - Binance, Bitfinex and others - to suspend the registration of new users. The systems did not cope with a large number of people wishing to catch a HYIP. Experts of speculation did not stay aloof - in the first days of the new year one could observe such a phenomenon as the resale of stock exchange accounts. Tutu registered in advance accounts - the registration process allowed to wind up several items using different email addresses - they were offered by speculators at an overpriced price.

Crypto-currency at the state level. Eastern winds excited crypto-currency fields - the other day CoinMarketCap excluded data from South Korean exchanges on the basis of weighted average rates of crypto-currencies. This decision was caused by the fact that the average price on crypto-exchange exchanges basically fluctuates within more or less equal indicators, and in South Korea exchange rates were higher by 10-20%. Against this background, there was a fall in the average settlement rate for crypto-currencies, which also triggered sales by uninformed users.

While some are invested in altcoyins, others are very purposeful! - Go to the "Fiat". The company Tether Limited, the one that crypto hackers robbed in November 2017 for $ 31 million equivalent of tokens, on January 8 announced the launch of the release of new crypto-analogues of the euro and the dollar. If earlier USDT was developed on the basis of the blockade of bitcoin, the new USD ₮ and EUR ₮ will be compatible with the Ethereum protocol (ERC20), and also backed by real, "fiat" dollars and euro.

But the supplier of the most interesting news from Latin America, the president of Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, finally realized that the bolivar could not sustain a balance of one hundred thousand. Hoping to overcome the crisis in the country, he decided to issue his own crypto currency, backed up by Venezuelan oil. On January 6, Maduro announced the issue of 100 million El Petro tokens. National crypto currency is a good way to attract investment in a country with a complex economic history, but this attempt now looks very desperate. Let's see now how El Petro and the oil market will correlate.

Pavel Durov is intriguing. According to unofficial information, Pavel Durov decided to please Telegram users with a Christmas present. January 8 on the intention of the messenger leadership by March 2018 to go to the ICO, launching its own blockade and create a crypto currency GRAM, Techcrunch reported.

As expected, the platform will be called Telegram Open Network (TON) and will be used for secure transactions.

I think ICO TON will have if not frenzied, then certainly a great success. The messenger is very popular now, including among those who use crypto-currencies and invest in them. So we can talk about attracting hundreds of millions of new users, and about the effective development of third-party services. Let's see which way the creators of the TON platform will choose: will they integrate into the current crypto-currency economy, or go their own way and try to build their own isolated blockade. In any case, these rumors are not yet confirmed by an official statement from Durov, and may well be a way to attract - or distract? - the attention of users and investors.

The New Year's fairy tale has a property to quickly end, and as soon as the main players of Kryptonka and investors return from New Year's holidays, it is necessary to actively monitor the rate of the main crypto currency. Bitcoin is still fluctuating around $ 14,000-15,000 and we do not expect a sharp peak.