Bad place: how Rosneft is looking for a new office

Igor Sechin can relocate his subordinates closer to Government House, while staying near the Kremlin himself.
Origin source
At the beginning of the XX century in the house 26/1 at the Sofia Embankment in Moscow, which was built with funds Bakhrushins brothers settled free of widows with children. Today, its inhabitants do not need benefactors: since 1995, is the headquarters of "Rosneft", the country's largest oil company, which is headed by Igor Sechin, one of Russia's most influential people. It is worth building exactly opposite the Kremlin.

At first, "Rosneft" rented premises here, and got it in the property in 2006. Now it is an office complex of several buildings, united by a small courtyard. The offices do not have the usual large openspeysov companies. The interior resembles a classic ministry, the interior consists of a long "bureaucratic" corridors and classrooms. To get to the right person, you can wander long on the floors. In fact, prior to the transfer of "Rosneft" buildings here and sat oil ministry.

Since the beginning of zero "Rosneft" miraculously transformed from the seventh volume of the oil company in the largest oil producer in the production countries. The number of employees of the central office has increased from 800 to nearly 5,000 people, they were placed at the Sofia Embankment. And "Rosneft" began its expansion in the Moscow real estate market. state-owned offices scattered around the city. Some employees work in Malaya, Kaluga street in the former machine tool plant "Red Proletarian", which "Rosneft" bought from the A1, the investment unit "Alfa Group". Others sitting near the Paveletsky station in the former office of Yukos on Dubininskaya street. Part of the team is located in the "NorthStar Tower" on Running - in the building, go to the "Rosneft", together with TNK-BP. The company also rents offices on Yakimanskaya waterfront on Shabolovka.

"This spread does not correspond to any ambitions of Igor Sechin, nor the value of" Rosneft "in the country. And companies have long realized that the situation needs to be changed ", - said a source close to the leadership of" Rosneft ".

"Consolidation of offices - a natural target for any large company in terms of cost optimization", - confirms etc.rector of the Department of Capital Markets and Investment Knight Frank Alan Baloev.

As Igor Sechin sought shelter worthy of his company in Moscow and where will his staff in the coming years?

Transaction heavyweights

"Sweety was ground, yes, - says party list, Forbes, looking at the empty area between the Taras Shevchenko embankment and Kutuzovsky Prospect. - Near the White House, the government's track - I knew that sooner or later, then "sit down" state. " The state in this case - this is the "Rosneft".

In the spring of 2014 the authorities handed over the oil company land at Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 12 and 14a for the construction of an office area of ​​200 000 sq. M. For comparison, the total area of ​​the nearby "European", one of the largest shopping centers of the city, is 180 000 sq. m. In total in 2014, according to analysts Knight Frank, in Moscow was put into operation about 1.4 million square feet. m of offices class A and B. As a company Igor Sechin gained ground? "The site is available in accordance with the company's request for BaVania solutions SLC [urban planning and land commission] of Moscow ", - the official representative of coins" Rosneft "."

This site is opposite the White House for the price and the number of related officials and residents of the Forbes list for sure is one of the most remarkable.

In Soviet times there were pencil factory "Sacco and Vanzetti" and Badaevsky brewery. After the privatization of control over the brewery was the owner of the External and shareholder Agrobank "Grain Company OGO" Ilya Haykin. "Sacco and Vanzetti" was the owner of the "Absolute" Alexander Svetakova and PIK Kirill Pisarev and Yuri Zhukov. Later Haykin sold their shares Badaevsky.

New investors in 2005 drafted a development of 15 hectares of housing and offices, have concluded the investment contract with the Moscow government, says Andrey Kosolapov, a minority shareholder "of the Absolute." The customer is the company "PIK-Invest", the city signed a contract with her lease land to the end of 2010. Yelena Baturina, the leading developer of the time, received a 25% stake in the project -protsentnuyu.

Construction is about to begin was. Investors even managed to demolish buildings on the territory of "Sacco and Vanzetti", prepare the site on 5 ha. As it turned out, early. Get a building permit and failed.

Following the resignation of Luzhkov in 2010, the new mayor Sergei Sobyanin, began an audit of real estate contracts of the previous command. Meanwhile, the investment contract term has expired. "Automatically ceased lease of land, and, as the territory" Sacco and Vanzetti "was absolutely free (structure-we demolished), the city has ordered for the site at its sole discretion by giving his company" Rosneft "- explains Svetakov in an interview with Forbes. "We SLC allowed to build on the remaining 10 hectares of 150,000 square meters. m, which is not 480 thousand square meters. m, of course, as it was in the investment contracts, but we are still grateful - adds Kosolapov. - When changing urban planning policy of the city is adequate numbers. "

whether other candidates were in the "sweet"section? "Igor Sechin negotiated directly with Sergei Sobyanin, - says the former official of the Moscow government. - It was a deal of political heavyweights. What sort of competition? "It seems that the idea of ​​the deal emerged long before the public announcement. Svetakov, who met with Sechin and discuss neighborhood conditions, recalls that he was "deeply immersed in the details of the development project, a good command of the topic."

Sechin has repeatedly he came "to the area" with the Inspectorate, says businessman familiar with the transaction.

"Rosneft" will soon announce a competition for the design of the future office. The forum can be found sketches of architects TPO "Reserve" Vladimir Plotkin. According to RBC Daily, were invited and other leading Office, including ABD Architects Boris Levyant, the Speech of Sergey Choban, workshop "Evgeny Gerasimov and Partners". The contest closed, "Rosneft" its terms and conditions do not comment, as well as any other details related to the future office.

"Currently," Rosneft "in talks on the terms of lease agreementGmina Jemielno portion of its parameters are determined. The project cost will be determined after the approval of the concept and execution of works on designing ", - the representative of" Rosneft said. " According to managing partner of Colliers International Nicholas Kazan, construction of office space this can cost about $ 500 million. According to the capacity of the new office will be comparable to what was at one time in TNK-BP, Forbes claims a source close the company. "Before that, however, is still far", - he says.

According to experts Knight Frank, the construction of the complex can take from 4 to 6 years. Investment in the project could reach $ 1 billion, write "Vedomosti".

After the "Rosneft" will be a large office, the company can refuse to rent some space. For example, from the office on Running street - it is about 80 000 sq. m, of which 38 000 sq m. m inherited from TNK-BP. In the meantime, employees are expected not only new offices, many of the existing arrangement. "On Dubininskaya had to build a parking lot for several floors. At the same has not placed. And around Sachwith the parking fee "- lamenting one of them.

To machine

What will happen to other offices? The total area of ​​real estate on the territory of the plant "Red Proletarian" - about 100 000 sq. m, it is the offices of class B. In 2011, when the staff of the Russian-British private company, TNK-BP came here for negotiations with "Rosneft", the local offices of the factory made a painful impression on them - they send each other photos of lop-sided concrete fences with barbed wire , wrote "Vedomosti". Property complex plant while experts estimated at $ 100-300 million.

New "Rosneft" office initially wanted to build on the site "Red Proletarian." After obtaining the site on Kutuzov Avenue land value decreased on Kaluga Street. The clarity that there will be unavailable. It is unlikely that the area will pass on sublease, says a source close to the company.

But in "Rosneft" are well aware of the fate of the office at the Sofia Embankment - he will perform representative functions.
The city authorities allowed "Rosneft" rearrangeit complex with the proviso that it will transfer to the budget of Moscow 50% of its market value. After the reconstruction of the building area of ​​about 23,450 square meters. m. A part of the underground area (it accounts for 14 750 sq. m) may take parking.

Cabinet Sechin, the company says, is likely to remain in office at the Sofia Embankment. The proximity to the Kremlin is more important than proximity to the Government House.