Khudainatov suffered for the sake of North Korea

The US imposed sanctions against the company of the former president of Rosneft.
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The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions against the Independent Oil and Gas Company and its subsidiary NNK-Primornefteprodukt. They were included in the sanctions list related to counteracting the development of the North Korean nuclear program.

The United States has included in the sanctions list against the development of the DPRK nuclear program, the Independent Oil and Gas Company (NOC) Eduard Khudainatov, who is known as an associate of the chief executive officer of Rosneft Igor Sechin. Under the sanctions also fell "daughter" of the company Khudainatov "NNK Primornefteprodukt." This is stated in the message on the website of the Ministry of Finance.

NOC at the time of writing did not respond to RBC's request.

In addition to NOCs and its subsidiaries, the list was registered with OOO ARDIS-Podshipnik, registered in Moscow. She is accused in connection with the North Korean trade corporation "Tangun".

One Russian citizen, Igor Michurin, was added to the sanctions list, he is also accused of having links with Tangun. According to the site, Michurin is the general director of LLC "ARDIS-Bearing". In the Ministry of Finance, the US argues that Michurin often acts as a business partner for Tangun representatives in Moscow.

Russians and companies are included in the so-called SDN list: their assets must be blocked when passing through American banks, US citizens and companies are prohibited from dealing with them.

Against the Korean "Tangun" imposed sanctions of the UN Security Council. On July 16, 2009, the company was included in the sanctions list as one of the legal entities that "participate in or provide support, including other illegal ways, to the DPRK's programs related to nuclear weapons, other types of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles."

NNK Khudainatov came under US sanctions for oil supplies to the DPRK, the Finance Ministry said in a statement: "NOC is a Russian company that has signed a contract for the supply of oil to North Korea and reportedly shipped $ 1 million of oil products to North Korea." The US financial department also suspected NOCs of "involvement in circumventing sanctions against North Korea."

Eduard Khudainatov headed Rosneft in 2010-2012, losing to Igor Sechin. He also worked for some time as the company's first vice president. Khudainatov is considered a colleague of Sechin.