The Soyuz wars

Open letter of the shareholder of Soyuz Corporation Andrey Baranov to Alexander Bastrykin.
Origin source
Today in our editorial office with an open appeal to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Colonel-General Alexander Bastrykin Justice asked Andrey Baranov. We decided to publish an open letter without changing the author's text.

Open letter

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General of Justice Bastrykin AI

Dear Alexander!

I turn to you directly and publicly, because they fear for their lives and the lives of my relatives and friends. Since 1997 I am a shareholder and until 2012 the director of the Dutch company «Leaderland TTM BV" - the owner of the corporation "Soyuz", one of the leading Russian oil industry. After a personal conflict of former partners - shareholders Sergei Vasiliev and Yuri Borodavko removed me from «Leaderland TTM BV» Management and, as I have every reason to believe, brought Russian assets «Leaderland TTM BV» in belonging to them, and their associated structures.

Assets included the company «Soyuz-TTM" and LLC "Union M" with the termnalom, dock, factories and warehouses, factory for the production of coffee in Kaliningrad. Asset stripping, allegedly under the pretext of the need to return to a non-existent loan «Leaderland TTM BV» from an offshore company «Peters Inc», Delaware, USA. Companies without a bank account, the sole shareholder and director was Sergey Vasilyev until the end of 2013.

I guess that the outcome of the scheme was the sale of Russian companies only 299 million rubles, or about $ 10 million, ie for the amount of the alleged loans, the Belgian company "IC Investment Group", registered on the Belgian home Sergey Vasiliev address, in which its share of 75%, 25% owned by Yuri warts and offshore UK Finance Investments Group Inc. In this case the money for allegedly lending did not return to «Peters Inc.» Delaware, USA, and in other offshore «Peters Financial Investments Corporation» in the British Virgin Islands, behind which stands Vasilev too. The owner «Peters INC», Delaware, USA on my data today is Galina Parshina, appear in the accounts of one of the structures Corporation "Soyuz".

CFO is a certain Tatiana Efimova, tAuger which had a relation to the "Union". The actual point in the dispute shareholders delivered a report of the international commission headed by experts of world famous company «Deloitte», carried out on behalf of the Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal entrepreneurs. The report provides a fair assessment of Sergei Vasiliev actions that I believe are criminal. This conflict was widely covered in the "Sheet" publications, "News", "Version".

A statement to check the circumstances of the theft of my share in the asset value of about 25 million. Euro I contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kaliningrad region. AMIA endured numerous decisions not to institute criminal proceedings on the fact of fraud, which the Prosecutor's Office canceled the Kaliningrad region in connection with the incompleteness of inspections. Despite the fact that the restoration of the right to hold me in the courts in the Russian Federation, the Netherlands and Belgium, I realize that my life and the lives of people close to me is still in danger.

I believe that the reason for this - the purposeful pursuit of me outside of ethics, law and the law on theside the majority shareholder of the corporation "Alliance" Sergei Vasiliev. Thus, in the night from 16 to 17 November 2013 in Moscow by unknown persons attempted arson guest house of my friends has been made, in which I was supposed to, but by happy coincidence, did not stay the night. It was a criminal case under "Arson" article, but the perpetrators, despite the recording of CCTV cameras and have not been found.

Several days later, unknown persons called his wife and a friend of mine advised in light of recent developments leave the country. Another alleged harassing calls from the FSB. At this time I began the calls and threats of my 80-year-old parents in St. Petersburg. Parents avail petition the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the publication of an interview with foreign media journalist with me Dutch edition also came to the post threat. He wrote a statement to the police, a criminal case, but the perpetrators were never found. My friend, who lives abroad, which is known for conflict, calling, in his opinion, vice president of the corporation "Alliance" Oleg Groznetsky threats.

In my DutchMailbox return emails sent by me to the Interior Ministry allegedly with the testimony of the alleged my name and with my fake signature that I am working on the Netherlands security services. In the municipality of the place of my residence in the Netherlands Security Service employee Vasilyeva and concurrently, his lawyer wrote a letter saying that I was to be delivered to the investigator for questioning on alleged instituted a criminal case, which does not exist.

I have the impression that, as head of the "Guild of Purveyors to the Kremlin», an organization with significant lobbying power, Sergei Vasiliev, through friends, journalists from "Man and Law", trying to organize pressure on the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg, although earlier it was to the media, I was respectful. A few days ago representatives of Vasilyeva, hiding behind the alleged presence of his ties to the Kremlin and a photo with the president of Russia Vladimir Putin, made an attempt to intimidate the administrative resources of one of St. Petersburg authorities. According to my information, my ex-partner attempts were madeintimidate the Dutch director, Madame Van Haren, appointed by the House of the Court of Appeal of Amsterdam in the company of entrepreneurs «Leaderland TTM BV».

According to my information, it was forced to go to the police. Threats yourself and family I take it as real as I am not the first victim, Sergei Vasiliev. As far as I know, all the top managers of the corporation "Soyuz", which left the company, faced with big problems of criminal property. We resigned commercial director of the company purchasing the car burned, the former head of research and development services disfigured car paint. A few years ago, a former director of the Corporation trade accused Yuri Borodavko to threats of physical violence.

Then he burned the car, and in the criminal case materials allegedly featured customers arson of SB Corporation "Soyuz". In St. Petersburg, continuing persecution of my parents - it seems to me that it was a group of AE Volkov Kirdeeva PP and Shapovalova IS on the left-hand contracts of sale and receipt for money and, most likely, withUsing fraudulent schemes - they are trying to evict the apartment. From the case file suggests that they use the documents obtained from the archives of the corporation "Soyuz". It seems that some people does not cost anything to kill or bring their parents to death, just to lure me in Russian to crack. Faced with the methods of work of Mr. Vasiliev and his security, I truly fear for the life of my family, relatives and friends who support me in difficult situations.

I appeal to you to give instructions to understand the situation and to take it under your personal control.
