The representative of the US Treasury accused Putin of corruption

The representative of the US Treasury told BBC that he considered Russian President Vladimir Putin corrupt. A spokesman of the Russian leader called it a "pure fiction."
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Adam Shubin, who oversees the question of sanctions in the US Ministry of Finance, told the BBC BBC that the Russian president is corrupt, and that the US government knows about it, "many, many years." The US government previously imposed sanctions against Putin's inner circle, but for the first time accused of corruption by the head of the Russian state, according to the British broadcaster.

"We saw how he [Putin] enriches their friends, their closest allies, and excludes those who are not true to his friends and did not hold public office. Whether Russia's energy wealth, whether other public contracts, it forwards it to those who, he thinks, will serve him, and removes [these assets] those whom doubts. For me it's corruption, "- said Shubin.

Putin's spokesman told BBC BBC that "none of these questions need to be answered ... not because they are pure fabrication."

On Monday evening, on channel BBC One came out a half-hour documentary "The secret of Putin's wealth", prepared by reporter Richard Bilton. In addition to interviews with a representative Mingfuin the US, the film also made a statement banker Sergei Pugachev, businessman Sergei Kolesnikov and Max Fridzon.

Bi-bi-si said that US government officials reluctant to answer questions about Putin's wealth, but Shubin agreed to take part in the Panorama program, which is investigating the matter. Shubin did not comment on the secret CIA report in 2007, in which Putin's state supposedly valued at approximately $ 40 billion. But he said that the Russian president had saved the state, which is kept secret.

"He allegedly receives a state salary of $ 110 thousand. Per year. This is not an accurate measure of human wealth, he has a lot of experience in how to disguise his real state, "- said Shubin.

Journalists British broadcaster also talked to the "insiders" who claim that they know how to hide their wealth Putin. Among them, former head of the "Sovcomflot" Dmitry Skarga, who told BBC BBC that he was responsible for the transfer of Putin's "Olympia" yacht for $ 37 million from Abramovich. "It is a fact that Abramovich through hison the employee handed yacht Putin. I was on board the yacht at the end of March 2002, in Amsterdam. And there was a representative of Abramovich. He said that the novel is the owner of the yacht "- Skarga said.

According to him, the yacht "Olympia" was handed over to the president of Russia through an offshore company. Skarga himself he oversaw Putin yacht management and preparing reports on the costs of the boat. "The content and the current on the yacht costs paid from the Russian budget", - he said. According Skarga, the presence of the yacht was kept a secret, because it belonged to Vladimir Putin, and not the state.

Bi-bi-si Roman Abramovich asked to comment on this information. Its representatives called them rumors and speculation.

Putin himself has refused to give an interview to Panorama. However, in 2008, he commented on the rumors about his condition during the annual press conference. "As for the eternal speculation about the financial condition, I saw some papers on this subject. Just talk, which is nothing to discuss. Just nonsense! All dig nose and smeared on bits of paper! That's how I feel about this! "- ForHe showed the Russian president. Later, he added that he is "the richest man, not only in Europe but also in the world." "I collect emotions. I'm rich so that the people of Russia twice entrusted me with the leadership of such a great country as Russia. I believe that this is my greatest wealth "- said the head of state.

In March 2014 the US Treasury Department made in the sanctions list of businessmen who, as indicated by the Office, are representatives of the "inner circle" of Vladimir Putin. We are talking about Gennady Timchenko, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg and Yuri Kovalchuk. The ministry said that the activities of the co-owner of oil trader Gunvor Timchenko "has a direct relationship with Putin." Rotenberg brothers, in turn, "provides support for Putin's pet projects, they prepared and performed expensive contracts for the Olympic Games in Sochi, and pointed out the US Treasury" Gazprom ". Bank "Russia" Kovalchuk agency called "the personal bank for senior officials of the Russian Federation", and of a businessman - one of the "cashier" of the Russian president.