The particles of Cosmos are being collected throughout Europe

In several countries Andrey Chernyakov's and his wife's property has been arrested. 
As the "Kommersant", the courts of a number of European countries have agreed to the arrest of accounts and assets of businessman Andrew Chernyakov and his wife. This was done on the claim of the Bank of Moscow in support of the decision of the London court, before freeze all assets of the former head of bankrupt NGO "Cosmos". This company did not return to the bank loans worth more than 16 billion rubles. Guarantor for him personally served Mr Chernyakov declared for fraud in the international search.

November 27 London's High Court on the suit of the Bank of Moscow issued an order is obliged to hand over passports Andrew Chernyakov plaintiff's representatives, not to leave the limits of England and Wales, as well as reveal all of its assets and the prohibition to dispose of them. Under judicial sanctions, as reported by "Kommersant", in particular, were firm, owning two jets Mr. Czerniakow.

At the next meeting, as sources of "Kommersant" was told yesterday, the court, after hearing the arguments of Mr. Chernyakov, ordered him to provide additional information about the assets, including the sale of its aircraft and yachts. In addition, the list of frozen actiIslands replenished stocks ex-head of the "Cosmos" in 15 offshore companies registered in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cyprus, Italy, Dubai and the Isle of Man (Tagore Global Limited, Norwind Shipping Limited, Wigeon Construction Limited, LLC "Firm" Promstroyrekonstruktsiya "", kocmoc d General Trading LLC and t. d.). Also, the personal accounts of Mr Chernyakov English bank Altus Investment Management Limited were arrested, German Berliner Bank and DKB Bank, the Swiss UBS and Austria UniCredt Bank Austria. In addition, under the British arrest were real estate and private Monsieur Chernyakov property - Villa Poderino in Florence, the land in the village Reutovo Kaluga Region, Apartment in Dubai, an office in Cyprus, quay wall in the port of Mirabello in Italian Spices, two Rolls-Royce, property on Sicily and Germany, as well as such "trifles" as Patek Philippe and Richard Mille watches worth more than € 600 thousand., three TVs, estimated at £ 30 thousand., Aivazovsky painting, BMW 5-series and Porsche Cayenne in Dubai. We completed the list of jewelry his wife Anastasia Andrew Chernyakov Erokhova by € 200 thousand. By the way, a little later, an order was received on the 28-year-old Ms. freezing Erokhova amounting to €6 million. At the same time the English court allowed the lawyers to the Bank of Moscow to use the information about the assets provided by the respondent. Based on this authorization the bank's representatives appealed to the courts of Cyprus, BVI, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Austria, statements about the arrest of assets Andrew Chernyakov and his wife, under the jurisdiction of these countries.

According to sources, "b", almost everywhere the judiciary went against the Bank of Moscow. So, Limassol court arrested the shares and bank accounts of companies not only Mr. Chernyakov, but also more than € 5 million of his wife and her villa. The Court first arrested in Zurich Swiss accounts in the name of the former head of the "Cosmos" in support of the decision taken place a year ago, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow, totaling more than 42 million Swiss francs (with the money he had collected as a guarantor with one of the credit). And I froze the funds in five bank accounts in Zurich and Lugano, as well as on the accounts of 11 companies owned by Andrew Chernyakov in a few days. To assume the obligations of property encumbrance, which is equivalent to the arrest and judicial authorities BVI. Already in JanuaryD this year, the District Court of Vienna recognized the reasonable claims of the Bank of Moscow and arrested Mr. Czerniakow means to UniCredit Bank Austria AG. German Court Potsdam until solutions are not adopted, giving respite to give defendants their comments.

The press service of VTB Group, which includes the Bank of Moscow, "Kommersant" said that satisfied with the decisions of foreign courts. "At the moment we do not see from the Chernyakova desire for dialogue and action aimed at paying off debt", - explained in the credit institution, stressing that the VTB Group will continue to "defend its interests in the proceedings with Chernyakov Andrey to repay the debt in full ". It should be noted that the arrest of funds in a civil case in Switzerland, is a kind of precedent, as the Bank of Moscow is hardly probable not the first who did it.

However, all these actions of Mr. Chernyakov protection calls "injection of passion" in preparation for the main process in a London court. According to his Russian lawyer Ruslan Koblev originally lawsuits have been filed in Italy and BeBritain, as there is the largest number of the entrepreneur's assets. "We have successfully appealed against the decision of the court for the arrest of a villa in Florence, and it is canceled (the lawyers of the bank is already obzhalovali.-" b ")," - said Mr. Koblev. He also noted that a court order to freeze the assets issued by the British court was not appealed, as it did not make sense. As the representative Andrey Chernyakov, his position is crystal clear. Lawyers cooperate with the court and we intend to prove it the failure of the claims of Bank of Moscow. In their view, the structure of credits Mr. Chernyakov allegedly imposed by the then government of Moscow. And all the details of their issue will be discussed in detail the English court. Meanwhile, as he explained Ruslan Koblev, is preparing for the process and the freezing of assets is an interim measure. All the information about the assets was provided by the English court voluntarily, said the defender.

Recall that in 2011 Mr. Chernyak has received from the Bank of Moscow for more than 11 billion rubles. on completion of the NGO "Cosmos" of current assets, pageivshego then Halabyan-Baltic tunnel in Moscow. At the moment, the amount owed is more than 16 billion rubles. Failure to return the money that went to the accounts of other companies, became the basis for initiating ATC investigator for the Central District of Moscow criminal case of "particularly large-scale fraud in lending" (Art. 4, Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code). However, Andrew Chernyakov himself had already long ago was abroad - he went to Germany, where he had a residence permit. As a result, he was declared first in the federal and then the international wanted list. According to some data, now fugitive head of the NGO "Cosmos" is trying to get political asylum in several European Union countries.