The London court has allowed the former head of NPO Cosmos to spend £80 thousand a month

Defenders of Andrey Chernyakov, accused of stealing a loan of 12 billion rubles from the Bank of Moscow, appealed against the arrest of his villa in Italy and restrictions on personal spending in the UK.  
Ex-president of the NGO "Cosmos" Andrew Chernyakov, the accused in absentia in Russia for fraud and embezzlement at the Bank of Moscow loan almost 12 billion rubles in the construction of Halabyan-Baltic tunnel, got a nice New Year's surprise. The court in Florence withdrew the arrest of his luxury villa in the city worth about € 50 million, and the High Court in London allowed him to spend with him was arrested at the request of the Bank of Moscow accounts for personal use is not £ 20 thousand. And £ 80 thousand. month. Chernyakov himself to return to Russia is not going and intend to find out relations with the Bank of Moscow in the arbitration of Great Britain.

Andrew Chernyakov property in Italy has been arrested in late June at the request of Bank of Moscow. In particular, the Florence court seized land and villa Russian businessman of several buildings, located in the same city. The cost of real estate is only estimated at € 50 million. Thus, the Italian court upheld the decision of the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow, who in February 2015 granted the petition of the Bank of Moscow to recover from Chernyakov.

Chernyakova lawyers appealed the court's decision, after chegit has been revised.

- A few days ago, the court withdrew the arrest of Florence Villa Chernyakov - told "Izvestia" lawyer Ruslan Koblev businessman. - Thus, he can use his property.

In fact, while London's High Court granted the request of lawyers Chernyakova to increase the limit on personal spending with arrested his accounts. In late November at the request of the Bank of Moscow Court in London banned the Russian businessman to leave the country, to conduct any operations with his property in European countries, and seized some of its assets. In addition, the High Court restricted the businessman in the weekly personal expenditure to £ 5 thousand. Chernyakova Defenders also appealed the decision.

- The court granted the request of lawyers now Chernyakov allowed to spend on accommodation and personal needs £ 21 thousand a week -. It is more than $ 80 thousand per month, -. Koblev said Ruslan.

According to the lawyer, his client is now living in his house in London and hiding from anyone not going. In addition, he voluntarily reportedthe court all of its assets in other countries. Relations with the Bank of Moscow considers the dispute Chernyakov businesses and intends to deal with the bank in an arbitration court in London.

Recall that in Russia the former president of a large construction company "NGO" Cosmos "Andrew Chernyakov in absentia charged with credit fraud (Art. 4, Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code). He also announced an international arrest warrant. The court upheld the petition investigation of arrest in absentia Chernyakova.

We are talking about a loan almost 12 billion rubles, which the NGO "Cosmos" received in spring 2011 from the Bank of Moscow for the construction of Halabyan-Baltic tunnel in Moscow. According to investigators, Chernyakov transferred the money to the accounts of one of the companies controlled by it, and then kidnapped them. At present, the total damage to the Bank of Moscow for the loan is estimated at more than 13 billion rubles.

Lawyers Chernyakova believe that the NGO "Cosmos" completely fulfilled its obligations under the construction Halabyan-Baltic tunnel. According to them, 95% of the company Chernyakova tunnel built over 30 billion rubles, while the rest of the rafrom being finished already other contractors who spent a 28 billion rubles.