Moscow money was found in Florence

President of NPO Cosmos Andrey Chernyakov is accused of large scale credit fraud.   
As the "Kommersant", the Central District Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow has opened a criminal case against the president of the NGO "Cosmos" Andrew Chernyakov. Known businessman, who is currently abroad, is charged with fraud in absentia with the Bank of Moscow loan, the damage from which has exceeded 432 million rubles. At the same time the Court of Florence on the claim of the Bank of Moscow arrested a complex in the style of a Roman palazzo owned by Mr. Chernyakov. Protecting the latter asserts that the prosecution is political in nature, and is going to appeal against the actions of the investigation.

Investigation of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Central District of Moscow believes that Andrew Chernyakov committed fraudulent embezzlement in lending (Art. 4, Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code). According to the investigation, as the president of the NGO "Cosmos", Mr. Chernyakov, "with the intent on stealing money", April 27, 2011 signed a credit agreement with Bank of Moscow. According to him the company was to receive 10 billion rubles., Which, under the agreement, had to send for working capital "Cosmos" in the execution by State Committeentrakta on construction Halabyan-Baltic tunnel. The agreement was signed between the NGO and the management of capital construction of the city of Moscow.

From April of 2011 to February 2012 the Bank of Moscow transferred to the account of "Cosmos" 11.55 billion rubles. However, Andrew Chernyakov, according to investigators, "with no intention to fulfill the undertaken obligations in the framework of the loan agreement", listed 432 653 923 rubles. the account in CB "Kutuzovsky" controlled by him LLC "Space-Ural Spetsstroy" in the future to dispose of money "at their discretion". Thus, according to investigators, using his official position, Mr. Chernyakov committed embezzlement on a large scale.

According to "Kommersant", the investigator has made a decision to prosecute President NGO "Cosmos" as a defendant in h. 4 Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code. However, this was done in absentia, as has long been employed abroad.

Note that originally investigated the criminal case against unidentified persons, but later investigation concluded that the main role in the embezzlement played IMEbut Mr. Chernyakov. And, according to sources, "b", the amount of damage to 432 million rubles. not final - it is already installed overdue loan Bank of Moscow today. Since credit is not refundable, it is growing every day and the amount of theft.

Bank of Moscow is seeking repayment of the damage caused by Mr Chernyakov, not only by the investigating authorities, and through the courts. February 5, 2015 Meshchansky District Court of Moscow satisfied the claim of the Bank of Moscow, sought to Mr. Chernyakov both personal guarantor on several unreturned loans 3,038,642,183 rubles. June 3 lawyers of Bank of Moscow based on the decision of the Meshchansky court asked the Court of Appeal of Florence, a statement on the arrest of assets belonging to Mr. Chernyakov in Italy. June 29 Florence Court, granted the application Bank arrested 4 hectares of land, 11 residential premises, in which more than 60 rooms, as well as various non-residential buildings with a total area of ​​over 200 square meters. m. According to "Kommersant", it is a whole residential complex in the style of a Roman palazzo with tennis courts and houses for workers, which is located at the intersection of Boloneze and Dzhudzhiolo in Florence. Real estate was assessed by an Italian court of € 49,869,400, which corresponds to the penalties imposed Meshchansky district court. July 10 arrest of property was registered in the land register of Florence - from this day Mr. Chernyakov property can not be alienated by the debtor.

Representatives Andrew Chernyakov could not comment on the decision of the court of Florence, citing the fact that they do not know the circumstances of the trial. In turn, the lawyer Ruslan Koblev businessman named instituted criminal proceedings against his client "politically motivated." According to him, having learned about the investigation of the police department of the Central District of Moscow, the lawyers appealed to the leadership department, but received it only in certain runaround. On the involvement of Mr. Czerniakow as an accused protect, according to Mr. Koblev no one not officially informed. Protection is going to appeal against the actions of the investigation. "Entrepreneurship Mr. Chernyakov as the head of the country's largest construction company intentionally presented as arestupnaya "- said the defender According to the information." Kommersant ", Mr. Chernyakov not exclude the possibility in the near future to seek political asylum in a European country.

"We have not received from Andrew Chernyakov any funds under the repayment of its obligations under the credit agreement. The Bank of Moscow has not received funds from the sale of a debtor's property, which is a personal guarantor of the loan. In this regard, we will continue to seek a refund by all legitimate means, including in other countries, "- said" Kommersant "in the press service of VTB Bank, the subsidiary bank of which is the Bank of Moscow.

Money from the "Cosmos"

In July, against businessman Andrei Chernyakov, head of the NGO "Cosmos" was prosecuted. Businessman accused of very large-scale fraud with the Bank of Moscow loans worth above 432 million rubles. Earlier, the court of Florence, having satisfied the application of Bank of Moscow, arrested the whole complex in the style of a Roman palazzo owned by Mr. Chernyakov. Among property businessman hasand more modest estate in the Moscow region Malakhovka, in whose territory the fitness center and sauna complex area of ​​more than 1 sq. m. m.