The new prime minister revealed a billion-dollar sister

The possessions of the sister of Mikhail Mishustin from the walls of the Kremlin to the far suburbs were estimated at 900 million.
Origin source
Elite real estate in the very center of Moscow, a country house on Rublevka and a residence on Istra, hidden under the wording "Russian Federation", were found by journalists at the sister of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Natalia Stenina. At the same time, it was not possible to find any serious business that could allow the acquisition of such property.

With a claim to London

In the Khamovniki district, a few kilometers from the Kremlin, on the site of the former bakery No. 6 on Efremov Street, there is the elite real estate quarter Knightsbridge Private Park. He owes his name to the prestigious London Knightsbridge district.

Entrance to the enclosed area is guarded, although the residents themselves get home through an underground parking lot. Among them is Natalia Stenina. True, at present, there is no information in open sources about her property in the house made with the claim for London - the “Russian Federation” allegedly owns everything there. But the BBC revealed a secret to a source with access to data from the internal system of the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

It turned out that in the summer of 2018, the Prime Minister’s sister bought an apartment there with an area of ​​more than 170 square meters. m and ceilings over 3 meters high. And just a few months ago, she acquired a place in the underground parking.

Based on the fact that one square meter in Knightsbridge Private Park costs about 1 million rubles, it can be reasonably assumed that Mishustin’s apartment is about 180 million rubles.

By the way, earlier in this elite house, the journalists of the Insider online publication found the apartment of the head of Russian Post Nikolai Podguzov with an area of ​​more than 380 sq.m

Istra song

“The Russian Federation” hides more than one Natalia Stenina. For example, her two-story residence is so classified in the cottage village of Agalarov Estate, that in the village of Zakharovo near Moscow Istra district.

Confirmation of the presence of the Stenins family mansion there is not only in the closed database of the Federal Tax Service, but also in social networks. So, in one of them, journalists found photographs of the son of Natalia Stenina Mikhail, taken on the territory of the Agalarov Estate.

Stenin acquired the mansion in 2014, they found out in the BBC, and now the market value of the house and the land under it is about 370 million rubles.

In this suburban cottage community, which is the Crocus Group project of billionaire Araz Agalarov, Stenin is joined by singers Stas Mikhailov and Emin Agalarov. In 2017, their colleague Grigory Leps celebrated his anniversary there.

The developer positions the buildings in Agalarov Estate as residences. There are three tennis courts, a golf course, a helipad and a lake.

Brotherly neighborhood

Natalia Stenina also has property in the near Moscow region on Nikolina Gora on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Shosse, where many wealthy Russians own the real estate, as well as the current Prime Minister. Sister Mishustin’s possessions in those parts is a house with an area of ​​740 square meters. m and a small house of 150 square meters. m. According to the documents of Rosreestr, this also belongs to the “Russian Federation”.

Recall that according to Open Media, Mishustin’s relatives on Nikolina Gora own 2.6 hectares of land worth 1.5 billion rubles. Of these, 1.3 hectares are from the sister of the prime minister.

Journalists believe that the value of Stenina’s assets in this part of Rublevka at current prices is about 350 million rubles. They found out that in 2009 ruble real estate was presented to the prime minister’s sister by developer Alexander Udodov, her partner in the restaurant business. In turn, the wife of Udodov owned the Decadance Dance School in Barvikha with his wife Mikhail Mishustin.

According to estimates by the BBC, the Prime Minister’s sister owns real estate for approximately 900 million rubles.

Moving Property

However, according to the telegram channel “Another Roldugin”, this is not all the real estate of the Stenins family. So, their minor daughter, i.e. Sophia's niece, Mikhail Mishustin, has her own 115-meter apartment in a business class house near Druzhba Park. Previously, this apartment was officially owned by the mother of the Prime Minister, Louise Mikhailovna.

And Sergei Stenin, the prime minister’s son-in-law, has six hundred square meters belonging to Mishustin in the past with a 76-meter garden house in the village of Chaika near Solnechnogorsk. Rosreestr has not yet hidden this information under the name of the “Russian Federation”.

Nonprofit business

According to journalists, at the beginning of the 2000s, Natalia Stenina, like Mishustin’s father, worked at Aeroflot. What she did later is unknown, but since 2015, she began to own 25% of the Nedalny Vostok restaurant in Moscow on Tversky Boulevard. Her partners were the above-mentioned Udodov and restaurateur Arkady Novikov.

Last year, the restaurant closed because it was unprofitable. But in the ownership of partners remained his building. Stenina’s share there is about 140 million rubles. The building brings to all co-owners about 100 thousand rubles every year. The restaurant and the building are the only known assets of the Prime Minister’s sister.

Her husband, Sergey, was engaged in business until 2016, when he headed a small company from Dolgoprudny, a Moscow region, who worked in real estate. Her revenue was about 1.5 million rubles a year.

At the same time, Natalia Stenina is actively engaged in non-profit activities - she is a co-founder of non-profit organizations. So, she is one of the founders of the Spassky Church restoration fund in the village of Ubory near Nikolina Gora, the prime minister donates money for that, and the Sportima hockey club. The amateur team from the Odintsovo district is supported by the same Alexander Udodov and co-owner of the UMMC, billionaire Andrei Bokarev.