Children of the Russian Prime Minister graduated from Swiss schools

The new Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has already found children abroad, dubious connections, shadow capital and a secret cottage.
Mikhail Mishustin, who headed the government, brought luggage of incriminating evidence to the Cabinet. But with the approval of his candidacy, the State Duma deputies had no questions.

Even before Mishustin was appointed prime minister, a wave of negative publications about the head of the Federal Tax Service passed through telegram channels. Then the head of the tax authorities was far from being the most public person, and the synchronous interest in his person made Mishustin think of an “order”.

Suspicions fell on the former Kremlin official. In response, Mishustin began sending one tax audit after another to the company of the alleged initiator of the attack. "Zakoshmaril" and made it clear that it is better not to meddle in his affairs.

The new head of government is really secretive. Until recently, the media never even mentioned the names of his wife and other relatives. As it turned out, there was something to hide.

The future prime minister was born in Lobny near Moscow. The family lived in a brick three-story building on Tsiolkovsky Street. Mishustin graduated from Lobninsky school No. 7 as a gracious student. The children of the official received their education already in Europe.

House in Lobnya

“In the first place is taking care of children and welfare,” Mishustin began his speech to the State Duma deputies. And he knew what he was talking about.

Mishustin has three sons: Alexander (born 2000), Alexey (1999) and Mikhail (2009). Two senior entered the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman in the direction of "applied mathematics and computer science." But before that, they managed to spend several years in one of the most elite (and expensive!) Schools in Europe.

Parents sent Alexander and Alexei to a private boarding school Institut Le Rosey. This is one of the oldest and most prestigious institution in Switzerland. He is called the "royal school." The cost of training (including food and accommodation) - from 7.6 million rubles. in year.

In addition to the children of Mishustin, Institut Le Rosey also in different years graduated from the kings of Spain, Egypt, Belgium ... Alexander and Aleksey boasted about their studies in a luxury place in social networks. This is confirmed by the preserved archive of athletics competitions: Alexander represented the team of the elite school.

Mikhail Mishustin himself prefers Italy. A couple of years ago, it became known to the Slyushka project, in the company of his mother, wife and youngest son, he spent a week at the Alpine five-star detox hotel Merano Palace. For a week of rest, massage and medical diet, the official’s family spent almost one and a half million rubles.

Settled in Rublevka

“The elite village of Cotton Way has arisen in the heart of reserved places. The centuries-old pine trees surrounding the village, the nearby Moscow River, magnificent views from the windows of the mansions - everything seems to breathe harmony and tranquility here, ”realtors advertise a respectable place. Arose on the territory of this village and the almost 900-meter house of Mikhail Mishustin. Together with the adjacent territory, the cost of ownership is more than a billion rubles.

The prime minister replaced the Lobnensky three-story building with a ruble mansion

The premier’s mansion and land, proved by Transparency International Deputy Director Ilya Shumanov, are designed for his children, mom and sister. At the same time, their names are hidden in the extract from Rosreestr: instead, the Russian Federation is indicated in the column "copyright holder". This is a favorite trick of civil servants who want to get away from allegations of corruption income. Indeed, in the declaration, Mishustin does not have real estate at all.

The same method of falsification was applied to Mishustin’s apartment on Trekhgorny Val street near the White House. An extract from the Rosreestr is at the disposal of the Interlocutor: it also conceals the names of the children. The Mishustins received this apartment worth $ 1 million from the President’s Administrative Department. State Duma deputy Pavel Krasheninnikov lives under the same roof with them.

In the Rublevsky village, the Mishustins settled next to Deputy Prime Minister Konstantin Chuychenko and State Duma deputy Valery Gartung.

At the same time, the family of the ex-head of the Federal Tax Service underestimated land taxes on Rublevka, the Interlocutor found out. For example, a 79-hundredth section of land recorded for Mishustin’s mom Louise was estimated at 62.7 million rubles. The real value is about 300 million.

Contacted the oligarchs

The wife of Prime Minister Vladlen Mishustin in 2002 established CJSC International Computer Club. In 2016, the organization was liquidated, but business partner Vladlena Yuryevna Levon Amdilyan’s affairs after that only went uphill. Now he is a co-owner of Takscom LLC, which has become the operator of fiscal data.

After the reform of cash registers, Amdilyan was assigned the role of data transfer between sellers and the Federal Tax Service Mishustina. The annual revenue of the company is about 2 billion rubles.

Also, Vladlena Mishustina was the founder of the now liquidated Dekadans LLC. Her partner was Natalia Udodova, wife of Alexander Udodov, a successful developer, producer of mushrooms and a member of the board of the Eurasian Pipeline Consortium. This is one of the largest pipe and metal products supply companies, a contractor for Transneft and Gazprom. The consortium belongs to the businessman Alexander Karmanov, a member of the elite judo club, along with Arkady Rotenberg and Gennady Timchenko.

Mishustina is also connected with Udodov by the game for one hockey team of “Sportima”. It is curious at the same time that Udodov was considered as a possible defendant in the criminal case of VAT fraud, Kommersant wrote in 2011. Then employees of the Investigative Committee conducted searches and seizures of documents in the central office of the Moscow Federal Tax Service and at the head of the service. They tried to get into Udodov’s “much decisive in the tax sphere” apartment, but he wasn’t at home, he flew to Germany. That's the thing and choked.

Udodov, along with Prime Minister’s sister Natalia Stenina, was also among the founders of the foundation for the restoration of the temple on Rublevka. The company was made up of them by the vice president of Rosneft Gennady Bukaev. By the way, it was Bukaev, according to Open Media, who sold his land to Mishustin’s father, Vladimir Moiseevich.

Mishustin is also friendly with the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin. They participate in joint feasts and both entered the supervisory board of hockey CSKA, together with oligarch Andrei Bokarev, who, together with his sister Mishustin and his friend Udodov, became the founder of HC Sportima. Is it necessary to clarify that Bokarev’s companies have never had serious tax problems?


800 million rubles amounted to the official income of the wife of Mishustin over the past 9 years. Its sources are unknown.