US marked out Assad's resign on March 2017

The White House does not expect the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power before March 2017. This is stated in an internal document prepared for the US officials involved in the Syrian issue.
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In the best case for the United States, Syrian President Bashar Assad will leave his post in March 2017, two months after taking office, the new US president, according to a document prepared by the White House for internal use, which was able to read the AP.

The chart, compiled by US officials for dealing with the Syrian crisis, contains a vague date in March 2017, when Assad "leaves" his position, and his "inner circle" will be forced to leave the country.

The schedule is based on the United Nations approved the plan, which was originally set out in the international conference held in Vienna in November 2015, writes AP. Under this project, the election of the new Syrian president and parliament scheduled for August 2017, and before that time, the country will be controlled by the Transitional Government.

According to the document obtained by the AP, the new political process in Syria to begin in February 2016. 18-month transition period will be based on the plan approved by the UN Security Council in December 2015. On January 25 scheduled talks between siriysof the authorities and the opposition. They should be held in Geneva, but the sponsors of the peace agreement in the face of Russia and the United States have not yet agreed on the composition of members of the opposition meeting.

In April, according to the US plan in Syria partial amnesty for some members of the Syrian government and the army, as well as leaders and moderate opposition fighters committee on security should be established and carried out. At the same time it will create a transitional government.

In May, the document says, should dissolve the Syrian Parliament, the UN Security Council recognized the Transitional Government and will set out further steps for the transfer of power, which will include political reforms, the appointment of a temporary legislative body and an international conference to seek funding for the change of political regime.

Within six months of the new Syrian constitution must be written before the end of 2016, the text of which will be put to a referendum in January 2017. The American plan does not say how Assad will be ousted, and that will be given to himneyshem, notes AP.

The Syrian president said earlier that he is not ready to leave the post until the country threatened by terrorists. Iran and Russia, which have the support Assad, emphasize that the fate of the country should solve the Syrian people. AP believes that Moscow and Tehran will object to the removal of Assad for six months before the election.

US previously insisted on the immediate resignation of the Syrian president, who they accused of repression against the civilian population, but they have recently made its main goal the fight against the terrorists of the "Islamic State" (whose activity is banned in Russia court decision). At an early retirement Assad still insist the Syrian opposition, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.