Sergei Shoygu surpassed Anatoly Serdyukov

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is plagued by corruption and theft. Everything might be stolen: from money to ballistic missiles to military rations. Now the head of the department Sergei Shoigu, who lives beyond his means, is also suspected. 
It would seem that after officers of the Defense Ministry who looked well in military uniform Sergey Shuigu headed the Defense Ministry, the officers sighed calmly. But many "servants" of former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov not only stayed, but also received an increase. Shoygu himself also began to raise questions. For example, the federal minister lobbied for the initiative, according to which the old military equipment (tanks, airplanes, etc.) will be withdrawn to private companies - NEO LLC and TransLom. The first one is connected with Rostech, where Anatoly Serdyukov is currently working, the second one is believed to be with billionaires Boris and Arkady Rotenberg.

It should be noted that military equipment is not only a profitable scrap metal, but also a product that provokes the interests of foreign special services. The most important thing is that the military also considers "environmentally hazardous materials" as scrap. What is specific - missiles for nuclear warheads or chemical weapons, is not clear. But the question arises: will not the private company give this "scrap metal" to interested persons? The second issue is that environmentally hazardous materials can be found in rothenberg plants.

He beat out Shoigu's approval for the uncompetitive foundation personally before Putin.

So, "Transform" on paper is the property of an assistant to the retired Transport Minister Igor Levitin - Alexei Zolotorev. But a number of experts say that the company is controlled by the Rothenbergs, who can carry out part of the orders through the NSC Ltd., engaged in the processing of metals of all kinds. We emphasize, "Transform" was able to get a contract with RZhD for the utilization of wagons last year, earning 15.5 billion rubles for this year. As they say, "ties solve everything."

Another office - NEO, owned by Rostekh, generally almost unknown player on the market. It was remembered by competitors when it lost in 2014 a competition for the disposal of precious metals in the Navy arsenal, offering 250 million rubles instead of 300 million rubles, which competitors paid. But soon the "daughter" of "Rostecha" was able to cancel the deal! How - to one Chemezov know ...

As participants in the trial say, Shoigu and his deputy Timur Ivanov were dissatisfied. Mr. Ivanov, according to rumors, is one of the most "bright spots" on the "pants" of the Ministry of Defense. An official with chubby cheeks got into camera lenses in 2016, when he celebrated his wife's 45th birthday. It was then that it became clear that Ivanov was living beyond his means. Ivanov's wife, they talk in the corridors of the military department, they adore yachts, super-expensive foreign resorts and, in general, everything brilliant. The holiday was organized in the "Imperial Yacht Club". Once a brilliant place now gathered dubious officials and their wives, hung with diamonds. The new elite was entertained by Valery Meladze, Vyacheslav Butusov and other stars, who take 10-20 thousand dollars for the evening.

Well, it would seem, difficult times, not all officers have housing - you can not take such a person by your deputy. But Sergey Kuzhugetovich wanted, and Ivanov became closer to him. I must say that Shoigu Ivanov was "under the wing" before. In 2013-2016, he was in charge of Oboronstroy and the General Directorate for Troop Development (GUVD). Judging by the formula "Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are," Timur Vadimovich should not be trusted. So, a good friend of Ivanov - the ex-head of the GUOV Vladimir Abramenko in late 2015 received three years in prison. Abramenko "illegally implemented a third-party organization of land area of more than 22 thousand square meters and located on it three real estate at a lower cost." The budget lost 114 million rubles. To hide it it was not possible, and if Abramenko's attempts to otmazat have tried, there could be questions and to other employees ...

What is this GUOVE in general? The name is Soviet, let's say, "smacks". So, this four-letter office takes contracts from the Ministry of Defense, and then gives them to subcontractors, leaving to themselves a part of the profit. For example, after checking the auditors, it became known that 93% of the works of GOVS were given to subcontractors - the amount of contracts is astronomical, 10.7 billion rubles! In fact, the usual intermediary scheme. GUOV is a member of Oboronstroy OJSC and was under the control of Timur Vadimovich! Could he not know about 93%? Hardly.

Under the strict guidance of the Ivanovo "Oboronstroy" there was an office with an amazing name "Maintenance management" or abbreviated RER. The word of their three capital letters was born after the liquidation of the FSUE "Maintenance and repair department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation". REU is a monopolist of thermal energy supplies for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and its organizations. When there is a monopoly, you can enter any amount.

For example, in 2014, the TFR has already started two cases of "major fraud", and had to ask uncomfortable questions. The matter is that under the pretext of expensive logistics in 2012, Transstroyengineering LLC overstated the price of coal for the needs of the Defense Ministry tenfold, and the former management of OAO RGU paid for these contracts, which caused the budget to lose more than 400 million rubles " . In fact, tens of times the price was inflated and the budget money was sucked. In our country, funding for medicine, education is cut to give money to the military, and they are stolen! Here it is, the officer's honor! This was not always the case, but with Serdyukov and Shoigu this is normal.

But we digress. Honor is an honor, but there is a law. Is, only not always applied. So Ivanov went to the promotion. We said that Ivanov was always under the "wing" of Shoigu? Yes, for example, he was a deputy to the governor of the Moscow region under Sergei Kuzhugetovich. Even then, Timur Vadimovich liked Shoigu. For example, Ivanov simply took and sold the MOESK company, which belongs to the region "Mosoblgaz", founded by the regional authorities of the Moscow Regional Energy Grid Company, which was 100 percent owned. For what? And how, with GUOV, you can earn money on mediation!

But most of all, Ivanov did business in Oboronstroy. One of them is "in concluding contracts for the supply of mobile TPL (mobile charging and rectifying station) at an inflated price with ZAO Electrotekhapparat-SPb." The price was overestimated by 100 million rubles.

But the most interesting is the story with the very 100 million rubles. After all, ZAO Elektrotekhapparat-SPb, as informed persons know, is connected with the holding company Soyuz, which belongs to the Luxembourg offshore Souz Holding SA (Luxembourg, Rue Jean L'Aveugle 166 Rue Guaillaume Schneider). How good ... it's probably in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and no Russian security officials are interested in money! Probably, Timur Vadimovich realized that "it is possible". In addition to all these strange transactions, there were also officially questionable ones. For example, buying at the expense of "Oboronstroy" Toyota Land Cruiser 200. It's necessary to carry Ivanova on a good car, is not it?

"Oboronstroy" under Ivanov continued to do his work, for example, he wanted an additional issue of his shares for 60 billion rubles. The current shareholders-the Defense Ministry and the former Garonison-Oboronservice-bought the securities-the only well-known Oboronservis! "The only question is why do you need additional shares of Oboronstroy for the Garrison and for the Defense Ministry itself, Belongs to the agency? Again, mediation?

By the way, besides Timur Vadimovich who has sat down prison Abramenko there are also other good acquaintances. For example, Alexander Gorshkolepov and Daniil Sukhanov, who are on the Board of Directors of JSC Industrial-Operational Management together with Gleb Kapustnikov, whom Sergey Kuzhugetovich personally appointed! Sergei Drobysh, the husband of Alexander Gorshkolepov's sister, also joined the council.

Only note that Mr. Drobysh is the defendant in the "Gorshkolepov case" and is accused of taking bribes.

This "PES" is controlled by "Oboronstroy," and without its "alleged patron" (Ivanov) Drobysh "could not take any of those decisions for which he received bribes." "Through the structure of Sergei Drobysh, Timur Ivanov, significant funds were withdrawn from the state budget." PUE "OJSC for 2012-2014 issued government orders for furniture purchases worth more than 1.8 billion rubles."

Mr. Drobysh, I must say, still signed a contract "for the supply of furniture and equipment for the Military Academy of Communications named after S. Budyonny in St. Petersburg." Finance Academy has given a huge - 500,000 million rubles. Obligation under the contract was assumed by the "Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops" of our officer Ivanov. Well, the money was stolen.
You can add a few words about Daniil Sukhanov, he is deputy director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense. Its zest is real estate in a NATO member country of Spain. In this beautiful kingdom there is a residence permit from an employee of the Ministry of Defense!

Kirill Zhuravlev, who personally knew Sukhanov, said that the employee "was engaged in levying large debts, could" take "a man to the forest and, as he said," bury. "Moreover, Zhuravlev reported that Sukhanov" in the mid-90's Worked with Chechen fighters! "If this is true, then it is better to return Serdyukov!" Of the recent, if to say poetically, in 2012, when Sukhanov headed the Moscow Bureau of Economic Analysis of Environmental Projects in Moscow, he was suspected of stealing 204.7 million rubles!

Then Sukhanov decided to retire in his Spanish villa. But after the patron Sukhanova Dmitry Kurakin, under the patronage of Shoigu, was headed by the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense, Sukhanov returned to Russia and became his deputy! No, do not you think that Evgenia Vasilyeva with Serdyukov is the lesser evil?

Sukhanov, I must say, in the year 2015 gave testimony on the case - about fraud with deforestation in the Moscow region Monino in 2013. Then, under the strict guidance of Sukhanov, a contract was signed for deforestation for sanitary purposes. The problem is that they cut down not only the necessary site, but also the neighboring one! The site was subsequently ennobled at the expense of the Defense Ministry, and Sukhanov handed it over to local authorities, as fighters against corruption say, for resale! Has been rolled back, or was not, nobody knows. But it seems that was not it?

Speaking of dubious appointments, it is worth mentioning that in 2015 it became known that the head of the holding "Krasnaya Zvezda" Vladislav Fedotov gave money in the amount of three million rubles for the appointment. Not under the record, some officers say that money can be found with Ivanov. But this version requires verification.

A little higher, we already wrote that Ivanov's "presence" is a beautiful lady who loves a beautiful lifestyle. Called "darling" Svetlana Zakharova. I must say that she used to be called Maniovich and she was the wife of businessman Mikhail Maniovich. He, according to rumors, thanks to her lost his company OOO Prestige. As Maniović said, Timur Ivanov and Svetlana are not just lovers, they are conspirators who "had to organize a car accident, as a result of which he (Maniovich) must necessarily perish." (The page with the article "Komsomolskaya Pravda" was deleted, but there was a reprint). After the businessman found out about it, he simply decided to give "Prestige".

It is rumored that the deceased Anton Malevsky, the leader of the once famous Izmailovo-Golyanov OPG, was to solve the problem with Maniovitch-husband!

Serdyukov 2.0?

Such popular minister in the people as Shoigu, takes to himself "Ivanovs", "sukhanovs" and other strange people. Why? Maybe he himself is involved in some cases? In addition to the situation with Rostekh, it should be said that Shoigu specially created a monopoly to provide housing and communal services for military towns to give contracts without a tender: "Mr. Shoigu also sent a proposal to Vladimir Putin as the initiator of the granting of the housing and communal services. A special letter for Vladimir Vladimirovich under the number N205 / 1226 Sergey Kuzhugetovich reports that the purpose of creating a new structure is "to combine the functions of energy and resource supply, ilischnogo Fund. "So, again, the monopolist ...

Well, maybe not a bad thing, that a monopolist? How, then, to explain that under Shoigu his family's friends received a billion-dollar contract for the supply of fish to the army? What kind of friends? There is such a company "Russian Sea", which was renamed into "Russian aquaculture." The company belongs to Maxim Vorobiev (brother of the current governor of Moscow region). Both "acrobat brothers" are the sons of Senator Yuri Vorobyov, who is considered Shoigu's closest friend. Yes, they even live close by. More precisely, their Rublev villas spread in the neighborhood.

Yes, Shoigu on Rublevke has a real castle in Japanese style. Sergei Kuzhugetovich from the far-off Republic of Tuva and loves traditional eastern architecture. "Japanese castle" Shoigu worth over 1 billion rubles! "The luxurious house is recorded on the sister of Shoigu's wife," write wrestlers with corruption from FBK Alexei Navalny.

Only here "according to the official income declaration of Sergei Shoigu, from 2010 to 2012 (when the mansion was bought) the budget of the Shoigu family was 173 million rubles." Then the question arises: where does the money come from? !! After the question was asked, Rosreestr erased information about the palace of Minister Shoigu!

Surfaced and another purchase - the wife Shoigu bought in 2012 an apartment of 217.6 square meters in an elite residential complex "Vorobyovy Gory". The cost of living space 200 million rubles! Sergey Kuzhugetovich, well, where do you have the funds?

On this legitimate question - silence and even silence ... When the bosses themselves this allows, what happens to the subordinates? They steal on furniture in the General Staff, steal money for the storage of ballistic missiles, steal even rations for officers! This was not even under Anatoly Serdyukov, but with Shoigu - there is. Maybe the Kremlin should think about the fact that the army must be managed by a military man. Have not there left in the country decent officers who will not produce corruption in the Defense Ministry?