Ex-Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov stole 263 million rubles

It was this amount that caused damage to the state budget, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation said. Now the Prosecutor General's Office must figure out how reliable this figure is and the incriminated to Korshunov and his accomplices episodes of criminal offenses.
GUS of the TFR completed the investigation of the first criminal case of the former deputy director of the FSIN of Russia Oleg Korshunov. He is accused of particularly large fraud in the organization of footwear for prisoners. According to the investigation, Mr. Korshunov and his accomplices stole 263 million rubles, using leather tanning instead of leather. The defense, having read the materials of the case, came to the conclusion that there was no corpus delicti. In any case, according to her, the prisoners and the staff of the FSIN got their shoes in full and are still wearing it.

Oleg Korshunov, the head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Industrial and Industrial House of the Federal Service for Execution of Punishments of the Russian Federation" Vitaliy Morusov and the general director of "Dats Group Commercial and Industrial Company" LLC Smbat Harutyunyan are accused of particularly large fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code) . According to investigators, an official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SCR) Svetlana Petrenko, in 2015, Korshunov and Harutyunyan entered into a criminal conspiracy aimed at stealing funds allocated in 2016 to buy shoes for the needs of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. According to the plan developed by them, the accused decided to create the appearance that the shoes are produced by FSUE PPD within the framework of state contracts. In fact, the investigation considers, the accused released it by the forces of the territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and the TPK on the equipment of Mr. Harutyunyan from the materials that he had purchased, which were not stipulated in the contracts.

In order to realize the plan, the accomplices organized the placement of sewing machines, machines, presses and other equipment for the production of shoes in the colonies located in Lipetsk, as well as in the Perm and Krasnoyarsk Territories owned by the TPK and Mr. Harutyunyan. Later, according to investigators, Mr. Korshunov instructed the heads of the relevant units of the FSIN, including the colonies, to organize the production of footwear from poor-quality raw materials by the convicts serving their sentence. He misled the staff of the FSIN, convinced that the production will be carried out by FSUE PPD. Then, established the investigation, on behalf of Mr. Korshunov, the heads of the territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service sent letters demanding to conclude state contracts with the FSUE for the shoe supply.

"Being misled about the price, quality and characteristics of the goods delivered," employees of the regional directorates of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia transferred more than 263 million rubles to the FSUE. Subsequently, the Director General of FGUP Morusov paid these funds with Mr. Harutyunyan's companies for renting equipment and material for the products. Thus, the investigation believes, the theft of budget funds was committed.

The TFR sent the case to the Prosecutor General's Office to approve the indictment and transfer it to the court. In this case, the investigation of several more criminal episodes involving Mr. Korshunov continues. The case of Smbat Harutyunyan, who admitted his guilt and concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement, has already entered the court, where he will be examined in a special order.

Defender of the former Korshunov official Sergey Starovoitov also appealed to the supervisory authority, demanding that the investigation be returned to the investigation due to numerous mistakes. As follows from a lawyer's complaint, a criminal case against Mr. Korshunov was initiated on January 30, 2018 in connection with his activities in the period 2015-2016. At the same time, his materials say that for the same facts of fraud with footwear, the TFR has been conducting another investigation since May 12, 2017, which for some reason did not join the second case.

In April this year, Mr. Korshunov was indicted in the final version, in the text of which, according to the defense, contained facts that were not true. For example, said Sergey Starovoitov, it indicates that Mr. Korshunov, having conspired with Mr. Harutyunyan, placed the equipment in three colonies. However, according to the order on the distribution of powers, signed by the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, from July 2015 to May 2016, another deputy head of the department, Oleg Simchenkov, was responsible for production activities. In any case, it was he and Mr. Harutyunyan who in 2015 opened new production, as it turns out, of "wrong" shoes. At the same time, she took prizes at many exhibitions of departmental products.

At the confrontation between the misters Korshunov and Harutyunyan, the latter said that for the first time the possibility of theft in the manufacture of footwear was discussed in mid-January 2016, and not in the second half of 2015, as indicated in the charge. Therefore, the placement of equipment in the colonies "no later than January 1, 2016" for subsequent frauds, as well, considers protection, contradicts the materials of the criminal case.

According to the accusation, Mr. Starovoitov cited, "Harutyunyan purchased a cheaper material, a leather trimmings, not provided for by the technical conditions." However, he noted, in the colonies themselves, who had been making shoes for many years, nobody followed the quality of raw materials, that's why low-quality products were produced. However, when the employees of the UFSIN of the Saratov region established that they were supplied with products not of yuft leather, but of cuts, they were immediately replaced by them.

As for the letters demanding to buy the shoes issued in the colonies at FSUE RPP, then, according to the defense, the letter was one and in it the defendant Korshunov insisted on carrying out the examination of the products before they were paid, otherwise the head of the FSIN department, who received him, would be responsible for the purchased marriage . The corresponding document was multiplied and sent to all departments of the department. At the same time, the FSUE itself, according to its charter, was engaged not in production, but in its organization and "ensuring compliance with state contracts for the supply of goods of appropriate quality." And this was not the decision of one deputy director, but of the board of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

The defense did not agree with the damage of 263,278,421 rubles stated in the case, referring to the fact that in his materials it is written that all the shoes under state contracts were produced, delivered to customers and can still be used in the penitentiary system of the country. According to the representatives of the accused, in this case, we can only talk about the difference in the cost of shoes made from leather and split, which is about 10%. But this, the defenders believe, is the subject of a civil-law dispute, not a criminal case.