The cocaine trace led to Berlin

In Germany, the alleged organizer of drug supplies from Argentina to Russia was detained.
The alleged organizer of drug trafficking from Argentina to Russia, Andrei Kovalchuk, was detained in Germany. In the near future, the Russian Interior Ministry will confirm by Interpol that he is a figurant of the cocaine case, and the Prosecutor General's Office will send a request for his extradition.

Andrei Kovalchuk, as his lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov told Kommersant, was detained late Thursday in the suburbs of Berlin, where he lived recently. The lawyer, who was going to meet with Mr. Kovalchuk in the coming weekend, learned about the incident from the telephone call of Mrs. Kovalchuk's wife Anna. She said that at first police officers acted rather harshly, but when they found out that there was a small child in the house and that no one was going to resist them, they "tempered their ardor".

The detainee Kovalchuk was taken to the police station, where he was informed that, in case of receipt of relevant requirements through the Interpol and from the Prosecutor General's Office, he could be extradited to Russia. If the defendant does not have funds for the defense counsel, he was promised a free lawyer. The search for the latter was already taken care of by Mr. Zherebenkov, who plans to fly to Berlin soon.

Mr. Kovalchuk denies his involvement in drug trafficking. According to him, in the suitcases left by him at the Russian embassy in Argentina, there was coffee. In turn, the former embassy of the embassy, ​​Ali Abyanov, has already stated that Mr. Kovalchuk sent suspicious suitcases to Russia from him in 2012. The arrested manager thought that they had smuggled spirits.

Kovalchuk and Abyanov are accused by the Interior Ministry's investigation department of attempting to smuggle cocaine. A large consignment of drugs was seized from the suitcases left by Mr. Kovalchuk at the embassy. They were replaced with flour and sent to the Russian Federation. In Moscow, FSB officers detained Mr. Abyanov and his two alleged accomplices. Mr. Kovalchuk was put on the international wanted list.

Argentine suitcases were sent from Uruguay

As it became known to Kommersant, the FSB checks information that cocaine from Argentina was supplied to Russia in 2012. From the testimony of the former head of the Russian embassy in Buenos Aires, Ali Abyanov, it follows that he, at the request of the alleged organizer of supplies, Andrei Kovalchuk, several times sent his suitcases, packed as diplomatic mail, with the help of military transport aircraft through the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo to Moscow. For every suitcase, the manager, he said, received $ 1,000.