Kovalchuk Andrey


The court prolonged the arrest of the main figure of the "cocaine case" Andrei Kovalchuk


The Tverskoy Court of Moscow extended the period of arrest until the beginning of winter of the alleged organizer of cocaine supplies from Argentina to Andrei Kovalchuk. The suspect with the verdict did not agree, earlier the defense asked to release Kovalchuk on bail of 3 million rubles.

Almost 400 kilos of cocaine from the Russian embassy was burned in the crematorium


Discovered in one of the buildings of the Russian embassy in Buenos Aires, almost 400 kilograms of cocaine was burned in the crematorium. At the same time attended by the Minister of Security of Argentina Patricia Bullrich and Russian Ambassador Dmitry Feoktistov.

Germany has given Russia the alleged organizer of the supply of cocaine Andrei Kovalchuk


Andrei Kovalchuk, who established the supply of cocaine from Argentina through the Russian embassy there, was extradited from Germany, where he had previously lived. Itself the cocaine scandal was decided to go down on brakes without a trial in the department of Sergei Lavrov.

How cocaine was delivered from Argentina to Russia


Participants in the operation with cocaine from Argentina gave testimony about Andrei Kovalchuk.

The cocaine trace led to Berlin


In Germany, the alleged organizer of drug supplies from Argentina to Russia was detained.

Argentine suitcases were sent from Uruguay


The smuggling of drugs by military aircraft could take place in 2012.